Kitchen Sink Babies
Does everyone remember when bath time for the babies used to be given in the kitchen sink? Especially if we were all at Nana's house. I don't know what the aversion to the bathtub was, maybe they were conscious of global warming even back then and were trying to conserve water. I think this is a tradition that has retired itself. I have yet to give one of the babies of the new generation a bath in a kitchen sink, but the old pictures are still fun to look at and bring back lots of memories at Nana's house with all the cousins, which I'll share more about later!!!
Maybe it was just a "nana" thing!
Love the song and look how cute you were!
Oh great, no naked pictures of us, please!! Hee!
I know a friend that gave her daughter baths in the sink when she was a baby, I think with one of those foam things!
It was weird to see that picture because I totally remember that sink and those blue cabinets!
Look at that cute Sares! I think it was just easier for the mommies to bathe you. No bending over!!!
Oh, yes and remember when we got older how they used to heat up water on Nana's stove so we would have enough hot water? And, didn't we recycle the bath water??? Oh, my word. At least they didn't hose us down outside!
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