It's Tuesday, that means it's time for Peek A Boo Tuesdays with CowgirlJLynn at A Cowgirl's Grace. The object here is to have a surprise
waiting behind your door. It can be anything!
What's behind my door this week... 
Yep, it's official. One year ago today I began blogging. January 26,
2009. 243 posts later I'm addicted. I admit it. My blog was private
when I started and I knew NOTHING. I was a complete computer/
blogging ignoramus, novice, innocent. That was me, finding a path
in the dark, stumbling my way through the internet, but oh what a
thrill it was/is to learn the ins and outs!
While on this journey, I had many a header to top off my blog, some
prettier than others, some I liked more than others. I know most of
you haven't seen ALL of them, except family members
that saw my blog when it was private.
Do you want to take a peek? I'll let you take a gander but
no gawking at the disasters!
Header #1
Okay. Don't laugh. I know this looks EXTREMELY amateurish. I tried to
do a manual scrapbook method and it didn't turn out so great. However I
still LOVE the concept. If I could ever figure out how to digitally scrapbook
I would try it again. The photos are all family pictures. The photos in the
loveleigh treasure chest are my Dad and my maternal Grandfather (Pappy)
and Grandmother (Nana). The bottom row is my paternal Grandma,
my Mom (the hostess of today's peek) and my paternal Grandpa.
They were cute little buggers weren't they!

Header #2
Here I was beginning to learn my way around the computer. I
had discovered Picasa, a photo editing program that is lots of
fun to use and allows you to create collages. I took a bunch if
pictures of things I love, but the photo quality is TERRIBLE. Dark
and yucky. I needed to learn MORE about photo lighting and
editing. This was the header I debuted when my blog went public.
For better or worse.
I found this at Cute and Cool Blog Stuff! I asked Itkulilli if I could
use if for my blog and she graciously agreed. This one was love
at first sight for me! She may have to make a reappearance soon, I
wasn't ready to part with her yet but summer was on the way and
I had to fit the summer theme, right? Alright I was just having too
much fun playing with headers and wanted to try something new.
Header #4But first I had to have a header for my PARTY! I had a Costume
Masquerade Ball for my birthday and it was a complete blast! To see the
post click HERE. Keep in mind the party was more extravagant, as I had a
matching background, party music to fit my theme and falling confetti!
Yes indeedy it was a splendid time!
Header #6
Summertime! Made from a free image. This one was easy and fit
the mood I was in. It may reappear eventually too.
Header #7
Moving into Fall. I found some free vintage images and created a
collage. I loved this one too and kept it for quite a while! It was meant
to be, a few days after I finished it, I was looking for a background to
match and magically Shabby Blogs had a background in my colors with
a picture of the little girl in the pink bloomers above placed on the
side of the background. It was FATE. Sorry, I didn't mean to be so
dramatic about blog design!

Header #8
A time out for a little Gone With The Wind party I attended. Of course
GWTW warrants it's own header! To see this post go HERE.
Header #9
Another party header, this time for my "A Rose By Another Name
Party" where I reveal just how the heck I came by the name Sares!
If you don't know and want to find out click HERE. I took this photo
myself of some roses from the yard. The original rose was creamy
yellow, I altered it dramatically. Poor rose, it WAS pretty
to begin with.
Header # 7 again
I just darkened it up and antiqued it a bit for the Halloween
and Fall festivities!
Header #10
Christmas! I worked for HOURS on this one, Google-ing images, most of the pictures are from Country Living. I had several other headers I made
which I didn't use, probably 4 or 5 more! Maybe neat year!

Header #11
For the new year, I wanted a soft and serene look This rose was
actually a sample picture that came already installed on the computer,
I just gussied it up a bit.
Back to header #9I loved this one so much and barely got to use it, so I brought it back. Ithought it would ease me into the red of Valentine's Day. Hint... another new header is on the way SOON, pertaining to that very holiday!Thank you for strolling with me through the header sagas. Sorry to
say there will be many more on the way, it's one of my favorite
things to do! I placed a poll at the top of the blog if you want to
vote for your favorite header, I thought it would be fun to see
which ones you liked best. If any, LOL!
Thank you too for making my first year of blogging such a thrill
for me. Your presence and participation has been an enormous gift
and a wonderful blessing.
I adore each and every one if you my LOVELEIGHS!