Antique Treasures
Here are my two loveleigh little treasures I bought when we went shopping the other day. The cup above is a shaving mug. You can tell back in the day it was definitely the lady of the house that made the decorating decisions. What man nowadays would pick a pink floral shaving mug!I thought I would use it for toothbrushes or pens. I'm not sure what to use the little dish below for.Maybe as a soap dish or to put jewelery in. I will probably go with the second option since I share a bathroom with two little munchkins that could break it. I just couldn't resist it since it was only $2. The mug was $6, but it was the second time I saw it and loved it, so it had to come home with me too!
Love anything with roses on it!
I would use the little bowl to put my everday jewelry in everynight. I ware the same things most days, I have a leather horse emblem tray that I put my watch, wedding ring and earings in so I can find them easy the next am!
I love these loveleigh treasures!
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