"Man Cub's Ride"

The Man Cub's line up of his "wheels", how he gets around town.

The convertible, fold up stroller option for shopping trips with the Nanette, the Auntie, and the Mama. This ride works well for a time but distractions must be brought along, snacks, binkies, toys, etc.

The deluxe stroller with all the options and gadgets. A sunshade, cup-holder, anti-lock brakes, and pouch holder in the back for all the little extras that come with carting around a man cub. This ride is used for larger trips abroad(zoos, parks, etc.). This is also the ride the Auntie uses on an almost daily basis for walks and trips to pick up the pirate princess from the bus. We like this ride for it's smoothness on the pavement and easy pushing capabilities.

Now here we have the "starter pony". The man cub can't get very far and fast on this lil' guy but he gets to practice his "walk trot" and his "posting" for a later date when he can actually ride a real pony.

Here we have the man cub "Quad". He puts the petal to the plastic on this one and really blows it out the park.The red button on the handle bar makes it easy for a pint-sized man cub to get on the go!

Now this little baby can do zero to 40 in nothing flat. The only trouble is, it's strictly a push as you go speed racer. The man cub looooves this green beast though. Maybe because his Daddy and Grandpa have a fondness for big bikes and his Daddy has a car almost exactly this shade of green!

Only fourteen years or so and the kid will be wanting an upgrade. A four wheel option with a real gas pedal, steering wheel, and set of keys, then he can really "get around".
Until then he'll have to make do with what he already has at his disposal, which is quite a lot for someone that is only 2!!!