Monday, August 23, 2010

Before and After

Here's my latest furniture makeover. A Goodwill piece I thought had some possibilities.

After I removed the hardware and sanded all over, I went in with the paint. I skipped the primer this time since I was using such a dark color and sanded off most of the old stain. I had no issues getting the paint to stick.


I bought these green boxes to place in the spot where the center drawer was. It wasn't really a drawer, it had hinges you pulled down to reveal this little cubby. I decided to leave the drawer front off to give it a more modern take. You could place baskets in here too.

All in all I thought it turned out pretty cute. She went in the Jazz booth on Saturday, so hopefully she'll find a new home soon. It's a good thing she moved to the booth, there's already a dresser I bought this weekend to makeover sitting in her place. Space is limited around these parts! 

I hope you all have a super sunshiny week!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Pink Saturday!

Happy Pink Saturday! It's time to get our pink on. Brought to us each week by Beverly of How Sweet The Sound, you can find 100's of pink links on her blog. Thank you Beverly for hosting!

My Chic Home

For some reason I wait until the LAST minute each week to pull my pink post together. I had to take these photos tonight before the sun went down because I didn't have anything else in "pink reserve". These are a project I have been working on this week for our "Jazz" Booth. The old pink chippy frames have been in the back of the shed for a few months. They were meant for another project which didn't work out.

So I got to brainstorming and came up with these!

Who amongst us doesn't LOVE some chippy pink paint. If you don't, I suggest you keep it on the down low or you may get kicked out of the pink club. Just kiddin'!

Such Is Life

I did another one of these earlier in the week I posted about on "All That Jazz Vintage" if you're interested in seeing it. It was green so it didn't make the cut here. Poor thing. They head to the booth tomorrow. They'll all get nailed to the wall. Hee hee!

Happy Pink Saturday to you all and have a loveleigh loveleigh weekend!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blog Changes...

Howdy everyone. If you hadn't noticed I recently made some changes to my blog. I decided to delete my Loveleigh Occasions blog. The poor thing had been sitting there neglected since Christmas. I did however transfer over a few things. I don't know if you ever used the "Sweets~Treats~Delights" at the other blog but I moved them here to their own pages at the top this one.

The Sweets page holds links for free blog backgrounds and templates.

The Treats page holds links for free image sites.

The Delights page holds links to lots of other fun things you can do for your blog or just a few fun sites to play around in.

I updated the links, added new ones and deleted some. Let me know if you have any problems and I hope you find it helpful.

I would also like to thank Sandi from Bearly Sane~Blog of a Bear Nut for recently giving me this loveleigh Sunshine Award. I gladly pass it on to all of you, you are all my SUNSHINE! Thank you very much Sandi!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Pink Saturday!

Happy Pink Saturday one and all! Thank you Beverly for hosting the pink party each week. You will find all the pink participants at How Sweet The Sound.

Last weekend while at a rummage sale I came across this old and worn quilt. It didn't have a price on it so I decided to put it down since I was at the beginning of the sale.  When I was done I had a handfull of things including some candleholders, a small pot and 5 books. When I checked out the total was only $2.75 so I decided to ask to one of the nice ladies taking the money about the quilt. She wanted to know what I thought it was worth and I had absolutely NO idea. She said "How about $3?". I said SOLD!

It was my favorite find of the weekend. It's a wee bit ratty and whoever sewed it was by no means an expert but I think it's pretty special nonetheless. It will be going to the booth soon where hopefully it will find a new home.

If any of you missed it, there is a new blog up and running all about our booth, All That Jazz, called "All That Jazz Vintage". It is mostly an endeavor by my Cousin and I, but we are hoping to get our Mom's to post on it occasionally too. They are still a part of it even if it's taking second fiddle to horseback riding at the moment! So please stop by and see us!

Happy Pink Saturday and have a superb weekend my Loveleighs!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Dream Time...

She may think she's all grown up. 
But anyone that still sleeps with a teddy bear has a little bit of girlhood left in her yet. 
Even if she won't admit it.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pink Saturday

Last week I was thrilled to learn I won a giveaway from Brenda at Shabby Cats and Roses. It is one of the most exciting things in Blogland when your name is pulled out of the "hat"!

So I waited in anticipation for my prize to arrive and when it did I gasped in astonishment.

The most beautifully wrapped package awaited me at the mailbox. Lucky for you I ran for the camera first. I don't usually do this. Usually I tear into it like a kid at Christmas. But I thought of you. Ain't I sweet.

Tucked inside the pretty packaging was the most gorgeous Christmas Stocking I have ever seen. Brenda's craftsmanship is absolutely beautiful and I am so very lucky to be on the receiving end of her generosity.
She also sent me some yummy tea and mini sugar shaker which will be saved to use on a cool Autumn Day.
 I am ever so grateful Brenda, THANK YOU!

My current computer desktop background. This is what I see each time I turn on the computer.
Oh, to stroll here on a warm Summer's eve...

Happy Pink Saturday!
Thank you to Beverly of How Sweet The Sound for hosting our pink party each and every week.
You can find more pink links at How Sweet The Sound.

Have the most wonderful of pink weekends my Loveleighs!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Boys

Auntie's boys.
A Summer evening.
Noodle fights.
Drinking from an outside tap.
Posing for the camera.
Hiding from the camera.
Just another day in the life of an Auntie.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Jazzy New Blog!!!

The Jazz Ladies and I are introducing a new blog.

All That Jazz Vintage will center around the booth we have in an antique/
vintage shop. The treasures we fill it with. The hunt for the treasures we
fill it with. Stories of how we came to the decision to have a booth. What
inspires us. A sprinkle and a dash of our family history and our love of
spending time together.

So please take a peek and if you would spread the word that
would be great! I know most of you aren't local so you aren't able to
shop our booth, but we all know window shopping can be almost as fun!


Have a fabulous week and I hope to see you soon at All That Jazz Vintage!

P.S. To my loveleighs, don't be confused by the name change. Sares is
just a nickname I use here on Loveleigh Treasures and I will be using
my "real" name there. Second picture from the top in the sidebar is
where you'll find me!