Friday, October 14, 2011

Pink Saturday

It's bee over a month since I've joined in the pink! It's great to be back and for your viewing pleasure I have assembled a few pretty pink vintage images, straight from my files on Pinterest!

I would like one of everything please, especially that car!

Thank you Beverly for hosting, you can find more links to pinkness at How Sweet The Sound. Happy Pink Saturday and have a loveleigh weekend!


ShabbyESP said...

I love your pinks!!
The car is SWEET!!!

Happy Pink Saturday!!!


Susie Jefferson said...

And well worth waiting for! Great pix, love all of them (but I want that car...)

Happy Pink Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Everything is lovely. Will you share the car with me.... :)

Gabriela Delworth - Adult Learning & Development said...


Looooooooove that kitchen!


LV said...

You made up for lost time with all these great pinks. I love the car. Looks like Elvis's.

J.Rylie.C said...

So pretty!

Would you please visit my PINK too? Thanks a lot!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

Happy Pink Saturday! There are some fabulous images the mix of modern and vintage!

Town and Country Gals said...

oh, I love your pink looks! Can I drive that pink car home to get a coke out of that pink frig to drink while deciding on which pink dress I want to wear! Love it!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

OH Wow I love these pink pics but the car is to die for. lol
Have a great weekend

RobinfromCA said...

Pinterest, sweet Pinterest! I love everything and will also take one of each! That car is divine and those brooches - oh my!


Bearly Sane said...

I think you were born in the wrong time Sares ... you are definitely a 50-60's girl. LOL!! I used to go to the drive-in in a car very similar to that one ... yep it was a pink and cream Ford Fairlane.

Hope you are having a happy Pink Saturday.

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Sares,

So many beautiful images you have shared today. I love them all, especially the fabulous pink car and I would be happy to go out for the day and enjoy the picnic.

Hope that you are having a lovely weekend

GwendolynKay said...

Beautiful pinks! I especially love the brouches!

pinkkandy said...

Oh!Happy Day! Pink Day; that is..and late as usual ....I will spend most of the rest of this week-end skipping all over blog land...God Bless You All..and I mean really bless you!

Unknown said...

OOOOOOOO! I'll take one of everything!!!

Suzanne said...

Hey it all. I think we have similar tastes cause pinterest...and PINK rock!!!:)
Hugs, Suzanne

Town and Country Gals said...

I've given you the Versatile Blogger award so check out my post, Wed, Oct 19 for the rules!

Red Rose Alley said...

Oh, that car is so cool, and the brooches are beautiful. I have been collecting brooches. There's something so special about them. I enjoyed browsing through your pink post.
~Sheri at Red Rose Alley

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Honey the more I see that pink refrig the more I want it.
Hope your well

Valerie said...

Hi Sares!!!

As always, you feature such beautiful images on Pink Saturday!!!

Hope you are doing well...the pictures of man cub and your pumpkin patch up there in the Pacific Northwest are to die for! He is precious!!!