Isn't this room just eye candy for the soul? To me it's pure pretty pinkness. I am in love. With a room. Go figure. It's not anywhere in my immediate future therefore I, will just have to DREAM. In PINK.

A big shout out to our Hostess Beverly at How Sweet The Sound who created and puts together this wonderful Pink Saturday for us all to play around in. Please go visit her site and find other blogs that participate and find out what they love about pink!
Dreaming in Pink sounds perfect to me! Happy Pink Saturday!
Thanks so much for coming by!
Yes, I can't wait to fire up that new printer.
I love that picture from House Beautiful. My living room is actually that color combination. Black, pink and crystal. My pink is a barely pink color though.....
Enjoy your Pink Saturday!
Bless you.
What a beautiful room! Thank you for sharing.
The look of this soft pink room is stunning. I would love to live in this room. Happy Pink Saturday
Oh I do love that room!!! and I'm afraid I have to do a lot of dreaming in pink too!!! Hubby can only take so much pink. (and there is quite a bit already) LOL!!! Love your post!!
Have a Super Pink Saturday!!
♥ Teresa
Oh gee, I thought that was your house and I was gonna ask what would be a good time for me to come and spend some time with you! I think pink, if I was to get Freudian, reminds us of our mothers' wombs. At least that's my take on it and I'm stickin' to it!☺
As for the dog bed. Maybe she wants you to put that little bed on your little bed, hehehe!
wanted to thank you about the reminder of Grey Gardens....can't wait!I do have one adult pink room in my home and love it, you should go for it.
Such lovely pinks! Have a great weekend.
I love that room!!! I had a pink room as a very young child & one of my daughters had a princess pink room for a while too.
Thanks for visiting my blog...pink is my favorite color.
I love pretty pink walls! My daughters room was once pink..always loved it.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Erin :)
Thank you for the Pink Saturday welcome. I really love that soft pink wall. It really is a nice neutral background and much nicer than builder beige.
Roberta Anne-The Raggedy Girl
Thanks for sharing!
Happy Pink Saturday!
X Es X
Lovely lovely Pinks!
Happy Pink Day!
I like the pale pink color of the walls...so comforting!
Have a great Pink Saturday!
Your House Beautiful fantasy room is lovely. I like the way the black grounds the pinkness. I had a pink bedroom as a girl, as well....and still love using touches of "my favorite color" today.
Best Wishes,
Funny you posted that picture...I just saw a pic of Martha Stewart's guest house...she painted every room in pink. Might be a bit much for my taste, but I suppose if you're Martha you can change it up in a weekend! LOL
The room from House Beautiful is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday to you!
Very pretty rooms. I'm afraid I had trouble reading your post with my bad eyes, but enjoyed the rooms.
I so Love when my Favorite magazines do whole rooms in Pink! Martha Stewart did one,I think pre-jail time;) and it was amazing. It makes me want to do a whole Pink room too. I think all the men in the family might protest alittle too much!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy Pink Saturday, Sares.
This room is total eye candy. I could be in love with it, too.
Hello and Happy Pink Saturday.
You are so right, I am in love with that room too. It is such light and wispy Pink,, I don't have a pink room either, hubby would not like that... sigh.... thanks for sharing
Hi Sares! I wanted to drop by before I left for Austin.
I love a pink room. My parents had a pink living room for many many years. Mom was ahead of her time...lol! I would love a pink room too but I'll have to wait until we buy our house in September. Thanks for the inspirational picture!
¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday
Deanna :D
Great photo of a sophisticated pink room! Happy Pink Saturday!
~Happy Pink Saturday~
Nice post.
Sares, that room is really nice! It's a pink even a manly-man might love....well, maybe, hee hee! Remember the pink guest bedroom at mom and dad's last beach house? I chose the pink. It was almost too light. I hope you get your pink room someday!
love the room! if only the hubbby would go for it....
Pink dreams to all, Happy Pink Saturday, Char
Your mom once helped me paint my living room pink! We spent the whole weekend doing it. And then I painted my bedroom the same color! I was really into pink. my bathroom in the desert is half pink, the other half is a metalic taupe all with leopard carpet!!!
That exact shade of pink with black is just sheer elegance! Of course the hard bit is finding the exact shade of pink...
Happy Pink Saturday!
I love the pink room. It looks so lovely. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog...I was in Dallas over the weekend and did not get to make the rounds...I did have pink houses to show from Houston though.
Happy Pink Saturday,
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