Monday, June 22, 2009

Monday Catch Up...

Good Monday Morning my devoted followers!

I know I've been a bit sporadic in my blogging and visits the
last few days. It's been sort of a hectic week and haven't had
much time, or inclination frankly, to hit the computer. Last
week started off with the news of a death in the family. It
wasn't immediate family, but it was a shock and devastating
nonetheless. Then I had my Costume Party on Wednesday,
which was an enormous amount of FUN! You were all
amazing! On Friday I had to attend said funeral/reception.
Saturday, my Cousin Pony Girl and I had to do prep work
(with a little help from my loveleigh big Sister) for a yard
sale. I took pictures to share with you all, but the turnout
was a bit low. We decided it was worth the effort though,
even at the amount we came away with. I think it was a bit
slow because it was Father's Day. Goodwill got the cast offs
and we called it good!
Again, I was just too lazy to post about
the whole she-bang. I was asleep by 11:30, rare for me.

Now for the fun stuff, Pony Girl and I took a little time to hit
a couple of antique stores! A little fun after all our hard work.
I love looking at old silver and all this shiny goodness is from
my favorite little nook in this shop. Tucked away on the top of
three floors, there are always neat little treasures here for the
eye to fall upon.

This children's garden furniture is adorable. It's tiny, I don't
think it would fit children over 7. I think it could be redone and
be fantastic.

Old, old pony, much cheaper that the real version I'm sure! If
you notice the old brick wall in this picture and the one above,
it gives you an idea that this is an old building. It's in the
historic downtown area and at one time back in the 1950's, it
used to be the JC Penny building. It's HUGE (for a small town!),
it's 3 levels and the top floor is the neatest with brick walls, old
hardwood floors that are crooked and warped, and wooden
beam ceilings. I think it was probably the storage area for the
merchandise and incoming orders. I don't know what the
buildings original use was, it would be interesting to find out.

All of the mini children's things fascinate me. To look at them
and think how many sweet and ornery little angels have used
these items over the years...

especially this teeny bed. I don't know if this was used for a
real child, it's so small, I don't think a little one over two would
fit. It could be that it was made to be a playbed for a little girl's
dollies. We had a fun, relaxing time. I did manage to come
away with nothing. I didn't see anything I couldn't live
without. Pony Girl however, found a few little treasures, she
was a good girl and stuck "close" to the limit she set herself.

I promise to try and play catch up this week a make a visit
round to each of you. I want to catch up on ALL your
happenings and see what I've missed. Lots of good things I'm


Shaam said...

I've been behind too. But here I am now! LOL. It's always hard on the weekends that's when I fall behind and then I work on Mondays from 10-7 and when I get off I just wanna crash! Never get any blogging done until Tuesday LOL. Fun treasure hunting! I just bought some silver stuff at a garage sale. Quite fun! I wish I could visit that awesome place.

All the best,

Pony Girl said...

That little garden set is doesn't look kid's size from the picture!
I had a great time with you this weekend...garage sale a bust or not, at least I had a little extra spending money! And just hanging out and catching up was fun. :) I could shop those antique stores all day long. Let's aim for that flea market in July! Even if we just find one tiny treasure each visit....

Eclectic Chic Style said...

No worries, seems like we've all been busy in blogland. So sorry to hear about the loss of your loved one.
It looks like you had a fun time antiquing, that's always a joy. Relax and get some rest girlie, we'll all be here whenever you feel like visiting. ;)
♥ Teresa

A Southern Rose said...

I've been extra busy too. There doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day sometimes. I did a little thrift/antique shopping yesterday too. I bought the cutest antique baby potty chair! LOL I have a grand son that it will be perfect for. About your garage sale, I feel the same way. Sometimes it seems more work than it is worth. (The last one I had did anyway.) That is one reason that I put a booth in our local Vendor's market a couple of years ago. Its so much more fun. Maybe you could do that. Ours here is only $30.00 a month to rent a space. Whatever I sell, I get to keep. They don't make anything off of my sales. It's also fun to change it up often. I try to change mine once a month with a different theme. It makes it more interesting and I sell more. This month I did everything in a 'Tropical' theme. If you have time go and look a few posts over on my site and you can see pictures of it. I think that you would really enjoy doing this and make money at the same time.
Lee Laurie

Desert Rose said...

Everyone in the blogger world seems to be way behind also,although most of us did not have a sad family event like you! I am glad you had some fun with your horse crazy cousin though!!!

Rebecca Nelson said...

I'm behind too, Sares! I'm got posts to read up on and even more to write. Just sooo tired over the weekend with all the family fun, etc.

Love to visit you!


Lisa said...

Oh thanks so much for the tour! I love the pics! The horse is really great!!
Get caught up but don't forget to sleep!
Hugs, Lisa

Gin said...

Thank you for your kind comments on my blog. Every little bit helps!

Unknown said...

Aren't garage sales fun! We've had two already this year and I've met so many interesting people . . . but we're done with all that thank goodness!

I love the pictures from your antiquing foray . . . I'm drooling over all the silver . . . I collect silver trinket boxes. What fun!

Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

I'm way behind in my blogging catch up!! but i wanted to stop by and see what you have been up to...Love shopping of any kind but I usually don't find anything that I "must have". I like the pony rocking horse, that is neat!...Have a great day!! hugs, Jennifer

C. JoyBell C. said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your family's loss.

That vanity desk should be mine!

And that bed should be my French poodle's!
