Monday, June 1, 2009

A Gift and A Giveaway...

I've recently begun riding this bike around the neighborhood. I
"borrowed" it from my Nana who had been holding on to it for
nearly 40 years. It once belonged to my Auntie, Desert Rose.
I borrowed the bike so I could ride with my other Auntie, Dusty
Devoe around the neighborhood. She snagged her old bike, also
being held by my Nana, that she used to ride when she was a
teen. My bike has seen it's better days and I was considering
giving her a makeover. My thoughts were pink or red.
Auntie Desert Rose, the bikes former owner, said that if I
painted her red, she would pay for the supplies. Yes, she's a
VERY generous Auntie!

Then, last weekend my Nana decides she wants to get in on
this whole biking "thing" and decides to head to the local
Wal Mart to buy herself a brand spanking new set of wheels and
one for my Pappy too, just in case he decides to ride. Just
between you and me, we're taking bets how many times he
actually rides it, my money is on twice.

My Mom and I took my Nana to Wal Mart (we had an available
truck to haul them home). We stood there gazing up at
the bikes, waiting for someone to help, no mean feat in a Wal
Mart, and my Nana turned to look at me and said, "We're
gonna get one for you too while we're here." What. Did I just
hear her right. My heart gave a little leap. Yes, I had heard her
right. She and my Pappy were going to buy me a new bike.
I was thrilled. This is the best kind of gift, something you aren't
expecting but are so excited for and happy to receive. She
wanted to know when was the last time I had a new bike? I
had to think for a minute and realized, never. My first bike when
I was about 8, was a second hand sparkly emerald green
number with a flowered banana seat. But boy, did she ever
ride smooth. My last bike was a garage sale find I only kept
for a couple of years because no one would ride with me,
bunch of lazy daisies. I'll whip em into shape now!

Here is my new upgrade, isn't she cute! Vintage looking, but
new. Yes I wanted a pink one, but this was the only option so
I was perfectly happy with this one. I like blue too and now my
Nana and I have matching bikes! I'm still trying to come up with
a name for her, anyone have any ideas?

My bike didn't come with a basket, but my Mom generously
offered to buy me one to add to the bike. She gets to ride the old
white bike now and she has visions of us (Nana, Auntie, Her, Me,
and Niece) riding to the park for picnics or small trips to the
grocery store. The basket will come in handy I think! I have to
get my PINK in somewhere, so I'm thinking of painting the
basket a light pink. Just to distinguish her a bit, give her a little
more flair! This was my HIGHLIGHT of the weekend and
probably the summer. We've been riding every night since the
new bikes came home. We just have to wait for Auntie's schedule
to match up with ours so she can ride with us. Then Nana
and I will have twin bikes and the other two bikes will have
twin riders (because my Mom and Auntie are twins)!!!

So a special THANK YOU to Nana and Pappy for your most
generous and thoughtful gift. I hope to log in many hours on
my new precious possession. I love you both!

Now I want to share with you another gift. Tonya from Back Porch
, is having a giveaway, she hasn't shared what is will be
yet, but I'm sure it will be fabulous! Go over and check out her


Eclectic Chic Style said...

Great bikes, both of them!! I love the vintage look of the new one. What fun you ladies will have!! Sounds like you even had a great time at Wal-Mart!! Have fun!
♥ Teresa

blushing rose said...

After I have seen what a couple of you gals have done with bicycles ... I am going to find one for my garden. Great bike! Happy biking ...TTFN ~ Marydon

Anonymous said...

Oh I LOVE your bike!!! YEAH: )

You're probably thinking I fell off the edge of the earth. No? You've didn't notice I haven't been around, you've just been too busy to miss me? JK - I've been, well... you know how it goes when you have a business, or if you don't, read on.

I've gotten some more things listed on, and will try to get it all completed possibly today. (Although I do have a physical this afternoon, so maybe tomorrow is more realistic.)

Here's the preparatory listing drill: staging products and then taking 100's of photos, correcting said photos in photoshop, cataloging the inventory, creating CODED listings (plus weighing, measuring...). It is so good to be accomplishing it once and for all.

I haven't had much leisurely or quality blog visiting time though. But I had to set my priorities in order, and getting my "chores" done took precedence (sorry I can't spell, lol).

I had a major "blue screen" fatal error episode too which set me back. It's been very eventful the last week!

That's my news,


Shaam said...

How cute! I love your bike :) I haven't had a bike in sooo long. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for the tip about the giveaway I checked out her stuff it is so neat!

All the best,

Lisa said...

Oh how very exciting!! I want a pink bike too, but yours is really great vintage look! Way to go Nana!!! I know you are thrilled!! Have a great time riding with your family!!

Prim's by Kim said...

Correction, Tonya of Back Porch Pickins is having the giveaway =D I would love to take credit for her goodies, but I must refrain from doing so. Kim

Jodie (everything vintage) said...

You are too cute! You sound like a little girl who just got her first bike! That is so sweet of Nana & Pappy!!!! And Mom too for springing for your new basket! You are so spoiled (& there ain't nothing wrong with that!)

Painting the basket pink is perfect!

If this were my bike, I'd call her BlueBonnet. I hope you come up with the perfect name that fits her, she is beautiful!

everything vintage

ps...I love love love those white-wall tires!!!!!

Lara Harris said...

I LOVE the vintage style bikes!Awesome!

Dusty Devoe said...

Love your new bike Sares, and especially love it that we are getting to spend more time together! I think a pink basket would be adorable!

Paint Girl said...

How cute is that bike! I didn't realize they made them vintage looking still, way cool. I think you should paint the basket pink, pink and blue look good together.
That was very nice of our nana and pappy to do that for you!

Pony Girl said...

That is so sweet! You do a lot for our nana and pappy, so I know that was a way they could thank you, you darling dear! I love the vintage look and think you should definitely pink up the basket! Do you guys wear helmets when you ride (at least outside of the neighhorhood.)

Rebecca Nelson said...

The only new bike I ever received was given to my when I was in 3rd grade by my Gramma & Grampa. It was a Stingray and was bright metallic purple. I loved it.

This was the sweetest story. Full of love and giving. My favorite kind of that is true.

Sweet Post!


xinex said...

Oh how nice, Sares! Your nana and pappy are so sweet to buy you a new bike. Happy riding and be safe!...Christine

cowgirljlynn said...

Yes we are having so much fun and some most needed excercise for me!

Debby said...

OH!!! I love the bikes, they are fab! I have been eyeing one the last month or so and this just might push me over..LOL..Thanks for sharing.

Desert Rose said...

Oh Sares...what a lucky girl you are to have a Nana who loves you so...! I am so glad you got your 2st bike that was brand new...just for you!!!

{Bellamere Cottage} said...

I can't wait to see what you name her. That's one cute bike! I've never had a new bike either....but don't expect to be riding any time soon either.


Unknown said...

Sares, what a fantastic bike! Wish I lived closer . . . I'd ride with you . . . me on my pink 'Roxie' and you on your new blue bike . . . what a sight we'd be!

Congratulations! What are you calling her?
