Friday, September 10, 2010

Pink Saturday and 911 Remembered

To all the loved ones lost on 911

The Firefighters
The Police Officers
The Office Workers
The Government Workers

The Flight Crews
The Passengers

The Mothers
The Fathers
The Sons and Daughters
The Brothers and Sisters
The Friends
The Loved ones

The Innocent Bystanders
The Innocent
Our Innocence

You are not forgotten. 
We remember.

Thank you to Beverly from How Sweet The Sound for hosting our Pink Saturday. 
You can find all the pink participants at How Sweet The Sound.

And now just a little something to make you smile today...

Hope you all have a LOVELEIGH weekend and Happy Pink Saturday!


Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Happy Pink Saturday Sares Sweetie...
A beautiful tribute and share. I just love it. So many people perished, but so many wonderful stories of Faith, Hope and Love came from this disaster.

Love the little guy hanging on. That is how we all must be, "Hanging on for our lives, and trusting in God if one hand lets go, he will be there to guide it right back to safety."

So beautiful Sares. Many hugs and so much love, Sherry

Draffin Bears said...

Happy pink Saturday Sares and such a lovely tribute to remember the people who were caught up, in that awful day of 9/11.
Such a sweet photo of the little guy and it made me smile.

Happy weekend

Charo said...

A lovely tribute!

And a cute hamster too!

Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Sares!

I will never forget 9-11-2001.


Cora said...

Never forgetting all those precious innocent people who lost their lives on 9-11. xxoo

Smiling at your cute little pinkness today! =)

Unknown said...

Amen. Beautiful tribute. One thing I learned in all of this is that we have so little control of anything but I know the one who is in control. God goes before us.

Debby said...

Hi Sweetie,
Such a beautiful post today, thanks for sharing. Hope you have been having a fab summer.

Micki said...

Wonderful tribute! It was a shocking event for America and the world.

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

What a beautiful tribute! And I love the little hamster hanging around! Thanks for sharing and Happy Pinks. Enjoy your weekend.


Unknown said...

G'eve sweet Sares ~ What an awesome tribute ... beautifully done.

And, he made me smile ...
Have a beautiful weekend ~
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

C. JoyBell C. said...

We were watching Nat Geo all about 9/11 yesterday, and I was crying... its so heartbreaking and touching and inspiring, all at the same time...

Thank you for sharing your poem, Sareski! :)

Rebecca said...

What a wonderful tribute. I will never forget! Happy Pink Saturday!


The Old Parsonage said...


Vicki said...

Hello, Sares, dear friend,
Thank you for this beautiful tribute! I appreciate you taking the time to remember and remind us to remember the things our nation has gone through and still is experiencing from this fateful day. Also, thank you for the smile!! As Americans, our ability to smile through our pain has been one of our greatest strengths. Have a terrific week!! Vicki

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

Hey honey sorry I have not been by in a while. I do hope your doing well.
Thank you for this lovely post and it is one of the most beautiful ones that I have seen for 911.
I was just talking to a lady today who lost a very dear friend on the plane that hit the Pennagon..she was a young lady and so very hard for her family and friends
My heart goes out to all of them