Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Why I've Been MIA...

I've been working on a new project.

My Mom, Aunt, Cousin and I have been contemplating combining our
creative forces and participating in local craft fairs, flea markets and bazaars.
We finally bit the bullet and decided
to rent a space in a local antique shop instead.
We've set ourselves a deadline so we've been busy
hustling to get everything
done before next month.

The plan is to buy things cheap at thrift shops, estate and garage sales and
then re-purpose them to sell. We've found that the $1 Store is a great place to
stock up on goodies too!

We are slowly building our supplies, who can afford to buy everything at
once? Crafting
supplies are so EXPENSIVE! The stamps alone can break
the bank.

Tools of the trade, vintage doilies and linens, en masse!

Anybody know why these simple Styrofoam rings cost an arm and a leg?
We've discovered it's better to buy them broken for a discount and then
glue or tape them, we're cheap that way! Proud of it too.

$1 Store goodies, pre-bling.

That's how I've been spending my spare time and my blogging time. I'll
show you some of our creations in a later post. I think it will be fun, for a while,
before it turns into work anyway! I know quite a few of you have spaces
in shops, does anyone have any hints, tips or warnings? Any help we could
get would be fantastic!

So if I happen to disappear for days at a time, I'll be working my
fingers to the bone at this new venture on the horizon. Never fear,
I'll be back in time!

And then there's THIS.

A sure sign Spring is on the way...
the birds are back in town.

Monday, February 15, 2010

One World One Heart Giveaway Winner...

Thank you to everyone who participated in the One World One Heart

Event! It was such a pleasure to meet so many new people from so
many different Countries and bless Lisa Swifka's heart! She put in
countless hours, I know how much work goes into a blog party with 30
people, let alone over a thousand! You can still find all the participants
links on Lisa's blog A Whimsical Bohemian. Take a peek if you get
the chance, the sheer talent amongst all
the participants is amazing!

and now as to my giveaway, the winner is...

#18 on my comments list~Beth M from Meandering Threads!

Congratulations Beth, the magic cloak will soon be making it's way
to you on the whirling swirling twirling winds! Hopefully it won't
be delayed by any snowstorms!

Thank you everyone for visiting me here at Loveleigh Treasures
and I hope you and my regular, ever faithful loveleigh followers...

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Vintage Valentine Party

Happy Valentine's Day and WELCOME to the Vintage Valentine
hosted by the Joan at Anything Goes Here. Be sure to
visit her to find all the party participants and their links!

My vintage valentines have a long family history. They had been
for years and years in a family cedar chest.

My heart is broken
quite in two,
And only you can
mend it;
So by good Saint
This very day
I send it.

Deep in this cedar chest was a little box full of valentines with the names of
my Great Grandmother, her siblings and her parents. I believe they date
somewhere between 1915-1920. Evidently it was the fashion of the day to
have your name printed on the little valentine cards you handed out.

The box itself was a gift to my Great Grandmother from her younger
I love the handwriting on the back, written so long ago.

My Great~grandmother Maude
at the age of 19

One of the many valentines in the little box, some of them have family
s printed on them and some of them are actually signed by the
"giver" of the valentine. My Great grandmother, her Mother,
her Father, her Sisters and her Brothers, they are all there, safe in
the little b

My Great~Grandmother and her family

around 1915

It is truly special to open these little cards and see the names of family

members from 90 years ago, people I have never met but am forever
linked to through a long line of genetics and history.

A valentine from little me
I send to little you,
I hope you'll think it's pretty,
It means I love you true.

A whole stack of family treasures, lovingleigh saved for years.

There are even valentines from my Great Grandmother's students, as she
was a schoolteacher before she married. All of these valentines meant so
much to her that she saved them. They were handed down to my Grandpa
who in turn held on to them until the day when he was ready to let them go
and I gratefully snatched them up so that I could treasure them.

My love is as deep as the ocean,
And if I had the sand,

I'd ask you for your
and ask
your father
for your

Happy Valentine's Day my Loveleighs,

my world is sweeter for knowing you!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Valentines! Hosted by our loveleigh lady
Beverly at How Sweet The Sound, she holds the key to all the pink links
if you simply don't get enough pink here!

Today I'm sharing some free pink Valentine images I have come
across this last month. I'm sorry I can't remember where they
all came from, I download so much "stuff" I forget! I know they are
copyright free though or I wouldn't have downloaded them, so
feel free to right-click and save them to your computer if you wish.
Does anybody else do this? Should I be ashamed I have over 1300
downloaded pictures from the web? I think it may
be getting time to clean out the old picture files!

Happy Pink Valentine's Day, have a safe and happy weekend!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Peek A Boo Tuesdays

It's time for Peek A Boo Tuesdays with CowgirlJLynn over
at A Cowgirl's Grace. A glimpse through the doorway to...


I know nothing with any certainty,

but the sight of the STARS

makes me dream.






All star photographs from the Hubble Telescope
Star Graphics from Photobucket

Thank you for joining me on a journey to the stars.
The journey is
ALWAYS magical when you're with me!