Happy St. Patrick's Day me WEE loveleigh Lasses! I've searched up a bit
of green history for the occasion. To read more details on all things
"BLARNEY" click HERE to find the Blarney Castle Homepage.
Blarney Castle, as viewed by the visitor today, is the third to have been erected on this site. The first building in the tenth century was a wooden structure. Around 1210 A.D. this was replaced by a stone structure which had the entrance some twenty feet above the ground on the north face. This building was demolished for foundations. In 1446 the third castle was built by Dermot McCarthy, King of Munster of which the keep still remains standing.
The Stone of Eloquence For over 200 years, world statesmen, literary giants, and legends of the silver screen have joined the millions of pilgrims climbing the steps to kiss the Blarney Stone and gain the gift of eloquence. Its powers are unquestioned but its story still creates debate. Some say it was Jacob’s Pillow, brought to Ireland by the prophet Jeremiah. Here it became the Lia Fail or ‘Fatal Stone’, used as an oracular throne of Irish kings – a kind of Harry Potter-like ‘sorting hat’ for kings. It was also said to be the deathbed pillow of St Columba on the island of Iona. Legend says it was then removed to mainland Scotland, where it served as the prophetic power of royal succession, the Stone of Destiny. When Cormac MacCarthy, King of Munster, sent five thousand men to support Robert the Bruce in his defeat of the English at Bannockburn in 1314, a portion of the historic Stone was given by the Scots in gratitude – and returned to Ireland. Others say it may be a stone brought back to Ireland from the Crusades – the ‘Stone of Ezel’ behind which David hid on Jonathan’s advice when he fled from his enemy, Saul. A few claim it was the stone that gushed water when struck by Moses. Whatever the truth of its origin, we believe a witch saved from drowning revealed its power to the MacCarthys. There is a stone that whoever kisses, Oh! He never misses to grow eloquent. 'Tis he may clamber to a lady's chamber, or become a member of parliament.
Once upon a time, visitors had to be held by the ankles and lowered head first over the battlements. Today, we are rather more cautious of the safety of our visitors. The Stone itself is still set in the wall below the battlements. To kiss it, one has to lean backwards (holding on to an iron railing) from the parapet walk. The prize is a real one as once kissed the stone bestows the gift of eloquence.

Blarney is celebrated the world over for a stone on the parapet that is said to endow whoever kisses it with the eternal gift of eloquence (in Irish 'solabharthact') - the 'Gift of the Gab'. The origin of this custom is unknown, though the word "blarney", meaning to placate with soft talk or to deceive without offending, probably derives from the stream of unfulfilled promises of Cormac MacDermot MacCarthy to the Lord President of Munster in virtual blarney stonethe late sixteenth century. Having seemingly agreed to deliver his castle to the Crown, he continuously delayed doing so with soft words, which came to be known as "Blarney talk".
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Sares. I LOVED seeing the pictures on your blog today. GORGEOUS!
Happy St. Patrick's Day Sares.
Thanks for the history and story of the Blarney Stone.
Happy Day o Green to ye my loveliegh lass. I've been said to have been vaccinated with a victrola needle by needle by my Pappy:) Does that count?
Hi Sares, I loved my travel through Ireland via your site. Thanks friend, Mollye
Ohhhhhh, the blarney that's being spewed in Washington, DC! Email and call your Representatives! Let 'em know to... Vote No on Obama-Care and get to work on jobs, jobs, jobs. Real jobs!
♣♣♣Happy St. Patrick's Day♣♣♣
Happy St. Patricks Day, Sares! I always enjoy hearing about Irish history and legends. Hope you're having a great week.
HiSares ...Your blog is sooo pretty .. your bike with all the colorful flowers and the pink polka-dots ..it's soo cheery and spring-y.
Happy St. Patrick's Day.
Hugz ...Betty
How fun! I love trivia like this!!
Hi Sares!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Hope it's a lovely one!
Hugs, Mary
What a great touch of ol' Blarney there Sares!
Birthday Greetings to your baby sis! X
Warmest hugs,
Sandi @ Bearly Sane
Happy St. Patrick's Day to you as well, Sares. Thanks so much for sharing a bit of history here. Oh, how I loved the photos and lore of those castles. :) Hope your day was a lovely one...
♥ Theresa
Happy St. Patrick's Day, Sares! Gorgoeus post.
Happy St. Patrick's day Sares and it was great to see your photos and may you have the luck of the Irish with you.
Happy Birthday to your Sister
Thank you for the history lesson...facinating and yes...you know I'm full of balony...I mean blarney.
Buzzing over and happy i did! eee ghads i love castles! :)
Very intersting!!! great to see you this last week...I have a very bad cold now...hope you don't get it!
wow -- what a castle! oh... to be a little mouse that lived there to see what's gone on there thru the years! thanks for sharing the history with us. (o: thank you, also, for taking the time to stop by my blog last saturday & leaving a comment. i hope you have a great weekend!
p.s. i forgot to thank you specifically for the comment about the little pink coffee house! (o: you live in a BEAUTIFUL state, sares. i've lived in washington several times & miss it & and my daughter that lives there so much!
Hello Sares,
Oooh I've never seen a real castle and I love seeing them even if its just through pictures. Love these old ones amongst all the greens.
But how scary it is t o be held in your ankle (just to kiss the stone?)Good for the visitors of today they don't do that anymore :-) Very interesting though - the gift of eloquence hhhhmmmmmmmmmm :-)
I have been to Blarney Castle and kissed the Blarney Stone...maybe that is why I have the gift of gab. It really does look like that!
I went to Ireland years ago...but I didn't see the castle or the stone. Although we did do a castle hunt we never ended up there.
That is a wonderful postcard, too!
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