FINALLY! I got my act together and am ready to show you our jazzy
new booth! The reason it took so long... camera issues. I just can not get
my camera to take good indoor pictures and the flash was being weird.
So if you see any pictures that are dark and grainy, you know why.
new booth! The reason it took so long... camera issues. I just can not get
my camera to take good indoor pictures and the flash was being weird.
So if you see any pictures that are dark and grainy, you know why.
My Mom and I.
Yes, we wore aprons, we thought they were jazzy!
Yes, we wore aprons, we thought they were jazzy!
My Mom (A Cowgirl's Grace) and my Auntie (Dusty Devoe),
business partners in crime, twins divine.
Now lets get jazzy, shall we.
Let's start at the VERY beginning.
This is what the booth looked like BEFORE we got our mitts on it.
The booth, all cleaned out and ready for us to slap some paint on it.
I did most of the slapping, the TWINS went down the street to find
some mochas. They brought me a hot cocoa though so all was forgiven.
I actually like to paint anyway and their bones are a bit creakier than
mine so I figured I could more easily do the bending and twisting
to paint amongst the low shelving. Hee Hee!
We whipped it out in about 45 minutes.
I did most of the slapping, the TWINS went down the street to find
some mochas. They brought me a hot cocoa though so all was forgiven.
I actually like to paint anyway and their bones are a bit creakier than
mine so I figured I could more easily do the bending and twisting
to paint amongst the low shelving. Hee Hee!
We whipped it out in about 45 minutes.
Post paint.
Pre Merchandise.
Pre Merchandise.
It always looks WORSE before it gets better! It took 4 of us nearly 45
minutes to haul everything up here. For a moment we were
overwhelmed and had NO idea where to start.
Thanks Dad and Uncle Cowboy for your help with the unloading,
even though Uncle Cowboy's bad knees put him in a purely
supervisory roll. Kicked back and relaxing on a park bench soaking
up the sun as we marched back and forth and back and forth.
Just kiddin' Uncle Cowboy! You've been a big help doing
extra little things we needed done. Make sure Auntie cuts you in
on her share of the profits.
minutes to haul everything up here. For a moment we were
overwhelmed and had NO idea where to start.
Thanks Dad and Uncle Cowboy for your help with the unloading,
even though Uncle Cowboy's bad knees put him in a purely
supervisory roll. Kicked back and relaxing on a park bench soaking
up the sun as we marched back and forth and back and forth.
Just kiddin' Uncle Cowboy! You've been a big help doing
extra little things we needed done. Make sure Auntie cuts you in
on her share of the profits.
Now just to recap... before
and after.
All That Jazz!
All That Jazz!
We couldn't believe how much STUFF we actually had once we
started unpacking everything. We were worried we wouldn't have
room but we made it work.
started unpacking everything. We were worried we wouldn't have
room but we made it work.
Yep, the Bloggers in us coming out. I told you we were geeks.
Rock on Bloggers!
Rock on Bloggers!
See the tray in the top right corner? I got this idea from Marsha of
Sassy Mini Dolls. The shop owner actually bought it for herself and
hung it behind her desk!
Sassy Mini Dolls. The shop owner actually bought it for herself and
hung it behind her desk!

Meet Fifi. Our mascot. She's a rough and tough cowgirl who will kick
the crud out of anyone that tries to steal our merchandise. Seriously,
she's been highly trained. I wouldn't mess with her, she's already given
me the evil eye once.
the crud out of anyone that tries to steal our merchandise. Seriously,
she's been highly trained. I wouldn't mess with her, she's already given
me the evil eye once.

BOO! It's me sneakin' up on you.
I hope you enjoyed your tour. We're thrilled to finally be done and
rather proud of ourselves for accomplishing such a big thing. It was
less than 2 months from the time we decided to do this until the time
it became a reality. We're excited to see where it takes us!
Thank you for all your support, encouragement, kind words and advice.
It has been so much fun to share All That Jazz With with you!
Sares: I did not want to let this week go by without wishing you and blessed Easter. To my surprise you finished your booth. It looks great! I pray that the Lord richly blesses everything your hand and feet have touched. Amen! Martha all have rocked out! OH MY GOSH! WOWZERS! What I wouldn't give to get my paws into your space.
Where do you live again????
Is it on the way to Tennessee???
xoRebecca :)
your pictures look great to me! That booth is just terrific!!! All of your hard work has paid off...good luck!
Well Sares you have all done a fantastic job of "All That Jazz"! If I lived closer I would be in there like a shot...lots of lovelies there to tempt the moths out of the ol' purse!! LOL!
I sincerely wish you all, the very best of luck with this venture and hope you have a lovely Easter to boot.
Warmest hugs,
Sandi @ Bearly Sane
Hi Sares,
Your booth looks wonderful and love all your wares.
That is amazing that you got the job done so quickly.
I wish "All that Jazz" the very best and have fun and sell lots.
Would so love to come by your shop.
Just one word... STUNNING
It looks absolutely wonderful, love the aprons (I'd kill for your mother's - what a fabric!)
Wishing you every success!
Oh, what a grand adventure, Sares! I spy a few things I wouldn't mind bringing home with me! I wish you three beautiful gals all the best!!
I would be in heaven shopping in your booth.
Oh, Sares, what a fantastic, treasure-filled booth! You girls have outdone yourselves. You must be so excited. And may I say you all look fabulous!
Child, No wonder you have been scarce as hens teeth for awhile now! Good lord have mercy pass the peas, your booth is the BOMB! You crazy cute chicks are gonna knock em dead. Oh I wish I was close enough to come and spend big bucks with you, I see so many treasures that need to come home to mizmollye's place! Good luck sweetie, XXMollye
Oh wow! I love it! I want to come shopping there! I definitely need those lambs with the buttons to start with. And then the list is long!
You all rock in the merchandising department!
Lovely! Lovely! Lovely!!!
And I'll have to read back in your posts, to see where this is being held. Because of that fantastic old tin ceiling!
A big congratulations!!!!!!!! your work and artistic talent show off well!!!!
Fun to see, thanks!
Wow...You did it!! Good luck. Everything looks great. I would definitely shop in your space!
OMG Sares!!! You guys ROCK!!! This is beautiful! What a job...and done so well. I love every little corner of it.
You guys are all so darling!!
It looks like all your blood, sweat and tears paid off. I can't wait to see your booth. Congratulations!
LOVE IT ALLLLLLLL!!! I wish I lived closer to buy something!! Congrats, and remember to have fun and not get overwhelmed!!
Hey there, oh my gosh you are so darned sweet, love the pic of you and your Mom. The booth looks awesome, so many beautiful goodies and so creative. I hope you enjoy your time and the shop and wishing you much success.
Congratulations, Sares! What hard work you've done here. :) I couldn't believe all the treasures you have in your booth. I'd have quite the time looking through all the goodies in person. I wish you a world of success with it! :) Theresa
Ahhhhh! It looks fab. I blew the photos up so I could really study them. What a great job you all did. And the twins? Well they look so much alike are they identical?
I hope that you are having fun!
Oh Sares Sweetie...
I love your booth. Gosh I wish I could come shopping. If all your blogger friends came by your booth would be empty in no time at all, and you would be back out there searching again. I love your mascot sweetie. She is in the "Pink" for sure. You could use her for your pink post, and introduce your beautiful booth again. So precious.
Thank you for stopping by and thank you for the kind words about our sweet Angel. We are going to miss her. She was family.
Good luck again on this wonderful adventure. I love the pictures of you Sares. Your hair is absolutely stunning, and you have the face of an Angel.
Have a beautiful Wednesday sweetie. Country hugs and so much love, Sherry
I loved the tour!! Now I am pouting!! Because your booth is calling to me.. screaming more like it, to come and browse, but I don't live near you:(
Ok, shaking it off! I love the altered bottles you have put up. Your mother and aunt really do look so much alike. Twins , no wonder. ha!
I hope your booth is a huge success, I am sure it will be!
How very wonderful! I love all your goodies and You did a great job putting it together! I know it has been fun! Good Luck!! That place is amazing! The tin ceiling is wonderful!
Happy Easter!
Hugs, Lisa
Great pictures! Now we need go shoppin" for new stuff!!!
OMG I am like Rebecca where do you live adore your shop it is my kind of heaven.
Girlfriend you and your mom are beautiful and you did such a great job with your space...I love it!
Can't wait to hear more about it and love the way you presented it to us in this post....when are you going to take the time and do it for my know you must everyone would love it
Thanks again for sharing this
Wow! Sares, you've been busy! SO much goodies here. Good luck on your new venture. Your mom and aunt and you are so cute! Happy Easter to all!...Christine
It's so fabulous! I can't wait to see it in person. And I might have to purchase a few things for myself, LOL! ;)
Hope you are avoiding that "plague" that is going around those parts! Stay well! xo
OMG Sares! ...I'm tired just thinking about all the work you guys have done long did that take you? ...It looks great! ... You sure have a lot of stuff ...I hope you sell it all ...Good luck. :^)
and Happy Easter.
Hugz ...Betty
PS ...I love the aprons and I think you should wear them all the time... but I'm sure someone will want to buy them right off your bods
WOW have you been busy. It looks like your adventure is going to be a huge success. Enjoy and wishing you and your family a Happy Easter.
I found you through my friend Marsha over at Sassy Mini Dolls. I am just swooning over all your treasures! Everything looks wonderful!
I love the little Pom cursor on your Blog page. I have two Poms...Olivia and Harlow :)
Wishing you a lovely Easter,
LuLu Kellogg
Oh my goodness. This is so weird for me to have walked across that floor trying to dream up, what you would dream up and it's grand. Bravo to all of you. You didn't even need my goodness it's great! Top of the line. I was trying to look and see what I need to buy. I'll keep peeking, keep posting as new goodies come in. I'm very very happy for all of you. LOADS OF LOVE AND ALL THE BEST!
I'm so so so excited for y'all Sareski!!!! :)
That mannequin is kinda....freaky....after that scare I got from your above post (pudding) hahahha!
Hey I didn't realize that your mama had a twin! Look at them! They look great! :)
You're looking fine yourself, girl!
Congratulations on this new chapter in your lives! I wish you all the best!
Sares~This was truly a labor of love. You are soo "adorable". I always like when I can see the friends I visit.
All your activities reminds me of what we go through in transporting and setting up for the holiday Bazaar we particulate in.
I would love to spend some shopping time and money in your booth.
Sweet wishes,
I love all the goodies in your booth. I keep going back to pictures to make sure I didn't miss a thing.
Check for my giveaway
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