Friday, October 16, 2009

Pink Saturday

Happy Pink Saturday my pretty pink people!

As always, you can find all the pink links at our pink home
How Sweet The Sound. Be sure to see Beverly and she will
hook you up with some major pink.

Today I'm sharing a glimpse from a Halloween Party I'm attending at my
other blog Loveleigh Occasions, if you wish to see more come on over for a
visit. I have opened the
family vault and am sharing lots of old family
pictures. I hope you are all
having a glorious fall and getting into
the Halloween Spirit.

Pumpkins and ghouls and bats, oh my!


Desert Rose said...

Such a clever Sares!!! I keep saying this could be a JOB for you!

Anonymous said...

Hello Sares,

Will do :-)

Oh, have to say, I enjoy looking through the room inspiration posts too!


Regina said...

Very creative. Nice pink post.
happy weekend.

Abatevintage said...

Sares, lovely picture of the woman with the hat. What a fun post. I hope this weekend is finding you well. Happy Pink Saturday.


PS The little girl and the pumpkin is adorable i love it.

ItaJeff said...

Hi Sares
Lovely post. I love the picture.
Happy Pink Saturday & have a great weekend

Tami @ Creative girl Vintage said...

Oh Sares, I love your blog!! The pink spider is just the best.
Thank you for the visit today!! Have a lovely pink day!
xo Tami

Unknown said...

What a great photograph and I love how you combined Halloween with just a touch of Pink.
Happy Pink Saturday.

Marina Capano said...

Hi Sares!
so cute!

Happy Halloween!!!

visit me anytime...

A Southern Rose said...

Hi Sares,

I love the pink spider webs. I'm heading over to your other blog to see all of your pics!

Lee Laurie

Mary said...

happy Pink Saturday Sares!
Love to visit your blog!
Mary :)

Unknown said...

All for the magic of a lovely pink Auntie. Last night she visited me and told me long tales of a ship she set sail on from the coast of Salem where she met a rough and tough Man from the island of Uncle. Magical was their romance until she found out he smoked poison cigars.

Rooster Inn Primitives said...

Hi Sares

thanks for the nice comment on my new snowman stump doll. Love that picture.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Hugs Pam

GwendolynKay said...

I got such a kick out of the photos!
Happy Pinkness!

That shabby Pink Girl said...

Oh, I so enjoyed looking at your Post, Happy Halloween and Pink Saturday too

marian elizabeth

The Old Parsonage said...

Ahhh Aunt Ophelia sure is getting in the "spirit" of things:)

Have a great weekend!

Rebecca said...

I love this photo! And I LOVE your new blog too!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Hugs and Blessings,

Susie Jefferson said...

Hi Sares

What a LOVELEIGH Halloween blog background etc - I adore the candle and the stove, and WHERE oh WHERE did you get that fabulous widget for the pointer? What brilliant fun. And suitably scary of course!

Have an absolutely wonderful Pink Saturday.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Love the cobweb and that very stern black crow on her shoulder! Great job!!! Have a great pink Saturday and be sure to come visit!

stefanie said...

i so want to do that to photos, it just toooooo fun!!!!

♥Mimi♥ said...

Sorry I'm a little late. Seems like when the sun is out I feel a desperate need to go outside and run errands or just life my face to the heavens and soak in the last rays before winter hits my neck of the woods.

It's always so much fun to share in the pink goodness of the blogs gathered together for Pink Saturday. A collection of some of the nicest women and prettiest blogs in cyberspace!

Wishing you a weekend filled with l♥ve and sunshine!

Char said...

Oh Sares, I hope you have a great time at the party. I would love to hear about it if you have a chance, Happy Pink Saturday, Char

Nancy said...

Sares, excellent! Happy Pink Saturday!

Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

Happy Pink Saturday


xinex said...

Lovely pictures, kinda spooky which is what you were probably trying to create so it's a success, Sares. Yes, that was my eldest sister with me traveling to Sweden. Would you believe she is over 70 years old?...Christine

Deanna said...

thank you for the welcome back. I missed you too. Everthing has always been fine between Marshall and I. Two people needed our help and we dropped everything and did everything in our power to see them through a very tough time.

Deanna :D (great to be back)

Unknown said...

What a great picture Sares! I love that crow sitting on her shoulder!

Thanks for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday!


Abatevintage said...

Sares, thank you so much for stopping by for Disney Sunday. I hope this day finds you well. Have a great week.


Draffin Bears said...

Happy belated pink Saturday.
I love your photo of Aunt Ophelia, with spiderweb and crow.
Off to visit your other site.

have a happy week.

Leslie said...

Happy Pink Saturday a day late! Please stop by my blog-I'm doing a giveaway until Friday, 10/23. Hugs, Leslie

Patricia said...

I love your Pink Spider webs and your blog looks beautiful. This time of year is so much fun. Have a wonderful new week.

Abatevintage said...

Sares, thanks for popping over today to read the Fairy story, i thought it was darling and had to share it with everyone. I hope your having a wonderful day.


animal print gal said...

Very creative and fun pink kob! Thank you!