It's pink time again. Beverly from How Sweet The Sound holds all the
links to pinkness on her sweet blog if you just can' t get enough.
Today is and ode to TWO cousins who had a day of summer fun with
one of their other Aunties. They got to choose their itinerary and the
amusement park was the choice. Each picture has a bit of peek a boo pink
somewhere, you just have to look for it. I promise I'm following the
pink rules, almost. I will break them a bit at the end...oops...
I know , no pink in sight right! I just had to show this picture. They look
like two kids from anywhere in the world that had a great summer day,
got wore out and all they want to do is eat and suddenly an Auntie sticks
a camera in their face and says, "Cheese" so what does she get for her
Cheesy Smiles!
Can't you just remember days like this when you were a kid and you had no
worries but what you were going to do on the next day of your summer
vacation. What BLISS!
Can't you just remember days like this when you were a kid and you had no
worries but what you were going to do on the next day of your summer
vacation. What BLISS!
I hope you all have a Happy Pink Day and I may be a bit late in visiting,
there is a shopping spree on the horizon. Good for the soul, bad for the
wallet! I will get to you, I'll just be late.

The new blog I'm going to share with you today is actually mine! I
began a new one for special blog events and holidays called Loveleigh
Occasions. If you haven't been by to visit yet, please stop in. There may
be something there you might like, just be sure to scroll down past the
Pink Saturday post to discover where the goodies lie!
there is a shopping spree on the horizon. Good for the soul, bad for the
wallet! I will get to you, I'll just be late.

The new blog I'm going to share with you today is actually mine! I
began a new one for special blog events and holidays called Loveleigh
Occasions. If you haven't been by to visit yet, please stop in. There may
be something there you might like, just be sure to scroll down past the
Pink Saturday post to discover where the goodies lie!

Yes, the look like they had a pink blissful time!! Those carefree summer days were the best!! Happy Pink Saturday to you and have fun on your shopping trip. Vicki
Happy Saturday Sares. Looks like they had so much fun.
Oh, the kids look like they had soooo much fun!! You are such a great Auntie! And cousin, of course!
I totally remember the days of being young and carefree, not having to worry about anything. It all changes when we get older though.
Have a great day shopping tomorrow, and don't let that sis of mine spend too much money! Unless it's for me...just kiddin'!!
Lovely post Sares ... love those smiling cheesy pink faces!!!
Looks like a great time was had by all including auntie!!
Sares...such fun, fun pictures!!!
Please drop by my blog now, and pick up your new blog award!!! :)))
Hi Sares,
What a happy day!
Must be neat to be a kid and have so much fun.
Happy weekend
O, yes...childhood!! *sigh
What fun they must be having.
Hope you have a loveleigh weekend, dear one....
Wow! It looks like they had themselves some fun! Love the cheesy smiles! LOL!
Thanks for sharing and Happy Pink Saturday!
They look like they had a blast! I loved going to the fair when I was little. We just took the kids a few nights ago. They love it!
I think you made some memories with this outing. I hope you are having a wonderful Pink Saturday.
Winter is just around the corner in my neck of the woods so Pink Saturday is even more meaningful for me because I won't see my garden bloom again until at least May of next year!
Thanks so much for your participation this week. It brightened my day☺
Wishing you a wonderful weekend filled with happiness surrounded by those you love.
Love this background, love the dancing chihuahua and LOVE today's post! Off to see your new blog now (I'm excited!!)
Happy Pink Saturday, sweetie - have a loveleigh weekend yourself!
Oh what fun! Ours is in a few weeks and I cannot wait!! Thanks for sharing!
Hugs, Lisa
Ah, to be a kid again, to be so carefree!!! What fun!! Happy Pink Saturday! Hugs, Marsha
They are adorable, and look like they are having a wonderful time. Such a fun place to visit.
Happy Pink Saturday, Sares.
Sares, what a great post, each picture had me looking for the pink, Happy Pink Saturday my blogger friend, take care and have a great week, Char
Those two cousins look like there have a blast!Yup I remember those days,of fun and merry-go-rounds...Now they just give me a head ache:)Happy Pink Saturday...I'm off to check out your other blogs...cool
I am confused...do the 2 blogs look simular??? This is your regular blog right? LOL
Sares, I wasn't sure that you'd return to my blog so thought it safest to answer your question here. The festival is held in Grayland - as a matter of fact it will be held next weekend Oct. 10 and 11. It has gone on for about 15 years now. There is also a festival in Bandon.
You must be the best Auntie ever! The kiddo's look like the had a grand time!
Are they eating mac and cheese?
Enjoy your weekend my friend!
Looks like they had great fun... oh to be young again! Happy Pinkness!
I was the mom that took the kids to Disney and Universal when we lived in Winter Park. I loved it. There is nothing better than those smiles. Happy Pink Saturday a little late.
Loved your pink post...I thought it was fun hunting for pinkness in each photo!
Aaaaah, those lazy, carefree, summer days! Sometimes, I wish to be a child again. Truly am enjoying these days home with my little ones!
Blessings, Sares,
Oh how fun, Sares! You are making me wanna be a kid again...Christine
Amazing how much pinks you found!!
Hi Sares,
I've been away from blogging for quite sometime & not been able to visit all my favourite blogs, including yours..it seems tht I have a lot to catch up here! Hope that you had a great Pink Saturday.
Have a nice day
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