With the beginning of summer just around the corner, I started thinking about
cotton candy for some reason. I think cotton candy is a perfect representative
for Pink Saturday. It's pure pink delicious fluff. It immediately takes me back
to childhood. What kid doesn't love to have some at the yearly State Fair?
That's always where I got mine.
Back in the day, when I was a kid, cotton candy wasn't always easy to come by.
You had to wait for special occasions, like fairs or trips to the zoo. That's what
made it so special, it was a treat one didn't get often.

As soon as you put that first bit of spun sugar in your mouth, it was Heaven on
Earth. You usually only had the option of pink or blue, I assume so the boys
wouldn't feel like sissies walking around with a big ball of pink fluff. When the
color purple began to be used I thought it was fantastic, however the pink is
still my favorite.
A bit of Cotton Candy History...Cotton candy is a soft confection that look like a fluffy mass of cotton (but there is no cotton in cotton candy). Cotton candy is made from finely-granulated sugar that is heated and spun into slim threads. Cotton candy was invented in 1897 by William Morrison and John C. Wharton, candymakers from Nashville, Tennessee, USA. They invented a device that heated sugar in a spinning bowl that had tiny holes in it. It formed a treat that they originally called "Fairy Floss." As the bowl spun around, the caramelized sugar was forced through the tiny holes, making feathery candy that melts in the mouth.
Morrison and Wharton introduced cotton candy to the world at the St. Louis World's Fair (1904) and sold huge amounts of it for 25 cents a box (that was a substantial amount of money back then). They sold about 68,655 boxes at that fair. The term "cotton candy" began to be used in the USA around 1920. In the United Kingdom, this treat is called "candy floss."

I wonder if old Morrison and Wharton ever imagined their invention would
inspire others to name their products after it. When you hear something
called the color of cotton candy, you instantly know you're going to be looking
at something in a shade of pink!

Whether it's nail polish, pampas grass, flowers, or even an artificial Christmas
tree, you know you're in for some pinkness.

I think cotton candy pink will always bring a smile to my heart because it's
just such a Happy Pink. It's a soothing, calming, graceful color that quietly
makes it's presence known without being loud or obnoxious.

And I think in this day and age, we could all use a bit more of that in the
world, even if it doesn't come on a stick, but in a pretty little package you can
take home and enjoy whenever you need a pick me up!
For more Pink Loveleighness, jot on over to see our Hostess with the Mostess,
Beverly at How Sweet The Sound. You'll find more links to Pinkness than your
little heart could desire. Happy Pink Saturday Everyone!!!