Sunday, November 22, 2009

Thanksgiving Here We Come!

Three more days and counting...


and one of THESE

a whole LOT A THIS!

and a dab or two of THIS

a BIG spoon full of THESE

and a WEE bit of THIS!

The countdown is ON baby!!!


Bearly Sane said...

Oh dear Sares, you have made me sooo hungry!
Beautiful spread you have there, can I come to your house for Thanksgiving?
You'd have shell out for the plane fare too! LOL!
Warmest hugs,
Sandi @ Bearly Sane

Debby said...

Love the cat & dog! The food looks so yummy!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Sares..
Happy Monday sweetie. I so love this post. It has all my favs. You are making me hungry and Thanksgiving isn't until Thursday. I love being the cook, because I get to taste test everything.

Thanks for sharing this morning. Love the little dog and cat. So cute.

Stop by and say hi. I love your company. Country hugs...Sherry

Micki said...

I love the cat and dog pic and boy does that food look yummy!

Cora said...

So yummy the cat and dog haha cute cute!!
I just ate and now I'm hungry again!

I love this texture you used on these available to anyone...if so where can I find it?
Have a great day!

Lisa said...

I love your Thanksgiving!! Have a great one as you are one of the things I am thankful for!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hugs, Lisa

Pony Girl said...

Yum! I can't wait! :)
I thought the pic in your header had a little boy getting ready to chop the turkey's head off! I looked closer and he's getting ready to take a picture, yes? Hee!

Martha's Favorites said...

Sares: You are right, it is almost time to stuff ourselves like turkeys. Thanks for the kind words. Love you, Martha

Unknown said...

Funny! I bet that cat and dog are so glad they are not a turkey right now. Happy have a heart of giving that I'm so thankful for! Thinking of you from Bellingham, Washington tonight. The gnomes think you are so special too!

Desert Rose said...

I will miss you all for T-Day! See you Xmas!!!

Dusty Devoe said...

I see 5LBS!

GwendolynKay said...

It all looks so delish! But I am dieting and not going to eat any of that good stuff this year. Eat some pumpkin pie for me, will you.. it's my favorite!

Hugs & Blessings!

MaidenShade Too said...

Hi Sares - TY for visiting me. I love love love your background!

It is so funny, before reading your post I posted one. It is "Three Weeks and Counting", lol. "Great minds...", I tell ya!

Even though it is just the two of us this year, we are having the essentials. Turkey, Dressing, Gravy, Pumpkin Pie, Black Olives, Cranberry Sauce and potatoes for David. The first 3 are all I need... until second dinner. or dessert. hummmm.

Happy Thanksgiving sweet lady, xJ

Simply Debbie said...


Unknown said...

Sares, what a wonderful post! It made me laugh and it has certainly made me hungry! LOL!

Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving full of God's bounty!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sares!! I wanted to wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving...I just love the dog and cat!!! LOL!!! where do you find such cute stuff!! enjoy the holiday, Hugs and love, Jennifer

Sherri said...

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Charo said...

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Sares,

Wishing you and yours a happy thanksgiving, may it be filled with all things wonderful and good.

I love all your photos, the food looks delicious.


C. JoyBell C. said...

Sares my love!!!! Did you know that your "comments" link ain't showin', sweety??? :) these photos make me MISS Thanksgiving!!!! We don't have it over here, officially, though folks DO like to celebrate it un-officially!!! But not so much food like that on the table...that IS a FEAST!!!!

I have missed you, Sares! How have you been?? :)

Why is it that I don't believe you when you say "a WEEE bit of that" about the dessert? Hmmmm??? No way!!! I don't believe you! Dessert is the BEST part!!!! :)

xinex said...

Mmmm, those pictures are making me excited about dinner. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Sares!...Christine