Lifetime movie network is premiering a film about the great American
artist Georgie O'Keefe. I must confess that I don't know much about
her life or her work, although I have of course heard of her and seen some
of her more popular work. I find her flower pieces beautiful and found a
few with pink for you!

I know this one isn't pink, but I find it beautiful in it's own way. Georgia
moved to New Mexico in the 1930's, when the "dust bowl" was at it's
height. There were an enormous amount of animal skeletons in the
desert and Georgia frequently painted them.

The Lifetime movie starring Joan Allen and Jeremy Irons premieres:
Saturday September 19 @ 9pm et/pt
Sunday September 20 @ 7 pm et/pt
Tuesday September 22 @ 9 pm et/pt
I think this will be a fascinating glimpse into the life of one of the very
few famous female American artists of the day. Fair warning, I don't
know if it could get a little racy! I've heard Georgia and her husband
had a rather unconventional relationship. I would love to know if you
watch it and what you thought. I plan to see it myself!

As always, our Pink Saturday is hosted by Beverly at How Sweet The Sound.
Be sure to go to her blog to find all the links to the other participants.
Happy Pink Saturday and I hope you all have a loveleigh weekend!

First...how do you pronounce your name? Sa-ERS? or Sar-ees? Just curious. :)
Now about Miss G. O'Keefe. I was never a big fan of her work until a few years ago. Now...women who paint and have become famous as a result of their artwork facinate me. As a result I've learned more and more about her and love her work today. I am sooooo going to watch this movie! Thanks for sharing!
Love to you~Rebecca
What a great artist! Great post.
Happy Pink Saturday.
Hi Sares! What an artist that woman was.
Thank you for sharing that awesome post.
Happy pink Saturday to you!!
xo Tami
Hi Sares,
Thank you for posting about the fabulous Georgia O'Keefe. I love her artwork and will look forward to the movie. Happy Pink Saturday!
I think it is just wrong that I don't know her well enough. But good thing i stopped by and now I know. Although I think I've heard of her for the name is familiar. And her work is beautiful. I especially love the first one - the ruffles of a flower.
I'm curious too, as to what it means about she and her husbands "unconventional" relationship. Can't play the video though. Not allowed it says.
Her work is amazing thanks for bringing it to your site. Beautiful. Happy PS
I LOVE Georgia O'Keefe's work and can't wait to watch it tonight!!!!
Happy Pink Saturday. Wonderful post, she was a fantastic artist.
Thanks for sharing this.
She was quite the artist....her work is always so, um, well.....interesting. ;) Truly original, though. Hope you have a great weekend! xo
Hi Sares,
I have never heard of her, but I love the orchid painting! Thanks for sharing & Happy PS to you.
What a lovely tribute to a great artist. Thanks for taking the time to put this together for us. I hope you are having a wonderful day.
wow!!! have a wonderful pink saturday
Hi loveleigh one, love this post. She certainly paints amazing flowers. Unfortunately I couldn't watch the YouTube piece - copyright restrictions! First time I came across that one on YouTube. Bah!
Glad you enjoyed my post, and Happy Pink Saturday, sweetie!
Happy pink Saturday, I adore your blog its so beautiful.
I didn't know of this artist. Her paintings are magnificent.
Have a Lovely Day!
Really great post! You always do so much research! I love her art and you picked great ones to share!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa
I look forward to this movie - I really think Joan Allen is perfect for the role. Beautiful post, Sares...Happy Pink Saturday!
When the blossoms of summer begin to fade we can always count on Pink Saturday to bring a smile to our faces and to remind us that somewhere there are pastels and pretty things.
Thanks so much for sharing this week. I wish you sunshine and lollipops today and always.
Hello sweet Sares, I am so excited to watch this movie, I love her work. Thankyou for posting the pictures, Happy Pink Saturday sweet friend, Char
One of the first prints I had framed after I was married {nearing 30 years...oh my} was a G. O'Keefe. It was a huge purple flower which I have since passed along to someone else. She has been a timeless artist...such a gift.
Thanks for the heads up on the upcoming documentary.
Happy Pink Saturday,
Happy Pink Saturday Sares:
I wish I had seen this sooner. I would have watched the movie too. Unfortunately today has been one of those days when I have so many things going on, and people dropping by that I have not been able to get to my blogging, so I am still working this evening to visit my "pinkies". Thanks for sharing and for stopping by today. Country hugs and love, Sherry
Hi Sares,
Thank you for posting about this movie and it looks like it will be a good one to see.
Her Artwork is lovely and I had not heard of her before.
Happy pink Saturday and weekend
Hi, Sares,
Thank you for the info on the upcoming movie. I am going to watch it. I was raised in New Mexico, and I stayed at the Mabel Dodge Lujan house in Taos where Georgia stayed at one time. I was there to take a class from the University of New Mexico. D. H. Lawrence was also often a guest in this home. Yes, I think Georgia's life was pretty unconventional but very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Vicki
Is that the artist in the first photo?? She immediately looks American Indian, to me.
Why do all of her painting remind me of my vagina???
I've never heard of this artist before, thank you for sharing her with all of us!!
Thank you for passing this info on. I love both actors and love Georgia O'Keefe's work. We missed it last night, but I will be sure to put it on the DVR right now. Happy Pink Saturday!
Love that Georgia! You've posted such beautiful pictures!
Beautiful artwork. I hope you had a Happy Pink Saturday...I was gone most of the weekend so I am now just getting around to my comments. I need to take time and really check your blog out. Terry
Happy Pink sat Sares,What pretty art work.I have never heard of her.Thank you for letting us know about her.Hugs,Jen
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