Heidi from Fairy Footprints in the Sand is hosting her weekly Magical
Disney Sunday. She will be doing this every Sunday if you wish to join in.
The movie I selected for today is one I enjoyed a lot while growing up,
and still do, Pete's dragon. Please turn my Playlist on to hear some
music from the movie while you read along!

Pete is an orphan boy that was sold to a grungy and mean family called
the Gogans. They use and abuse him terribly and when Pete finally
becomes fed up with their cruelty, he flees with his only friend, a dragon
named Elliot.

During their travels, they land in a town called Passamaquoddy, where they
meet the local lighthouse keeper (Mickey Rooney)and his daughter (Helen
Reddy). Pete befriends them and begins to think he may have found a
family at last. When Elliot's antics and overall clumsiness begin to cause
many a disturbance amongst the townspeople, trouble is not far behind.

The locals believe Pete is the cause of all the mischief due to the fact that
Elliot, the dragon, is invisible to most people. Oops. Only the lighthouse
keeper can see him.

Also on the scene is a slimy snake-oil salesman and his sidekick Hoagy
who team up with the Grogans who are persistently pursuing Pete.
They want their free labor back and the slimy Doc Terminus wants
Elliot. To use for his slimy snake-oil potions.

Throw all this in the mix with some catchy songs like Passamaquoddy,
Brazzle Dazzle Em, I thought I saw a dragon and Candle on the water and
you get a movie that is lots of fun to watch and sing along with. Elliott will
steal you heart and make you want a dragon of your own. Almost!

whole plot for you in case you have yet to see it. I recommend it if you have
little ones, I think they'll love Elliot too!

Hiya sweety I love Pete's Dragon what a lovely movie choice it was a wonderful memory of sitting around the T.V. watching this with my brothers, I never had sisters, but that what all my blogger friends are. Its a wonderful post. I am getting your link up there right away, sorry I should've thought it through a little better, my email is hpabate@gmail.com I will just have everyone email me if they want to participate that way I can get everyones name up there. I will be more organized next week.
Your post is wonderful great job. I love it.
Blessings to you and yours this Sunday,
Good Sunday Morning Sares! LOVED your Magical Disney Sunday post!! I have not seen this one in a while, but I DO remember it! What a great movie!.. I do love Mickey Rooney too! I saw him live once in the play "Sugar Babies"! I was a much younger person than he, but the energy this man had, dancing and running from one end of the stage to the other, was amazing! I was exhausted and out of breath just WATCHING him from my SEAT!! (0; Hope you're enjoying your weekend, and I look forward to seeing your next Magical Disney Sunday post next week! ~tina
i believe that this was the first movie that i ever saw at the theater...i don't really remember it so i guess that it is time to watch it again~
have a wonderful day~
What a wonderful Movie!! I just love it. There was so many movies that I watched growing up and I only wish I could find them all to share with my kids! Happy Magical Sunday.
My granddaughter will love this post. Who doesn't like Disney?...Christine
How in the world did I miss this one growing up?!!! We're about the same age so I should have seen it.
I guess I'll just have to rent it and watch with my little ones.
As always, your blog is such a joy to visit! Hope all is well,
Pete's Dragon is a great one! I remember when it came out in the theaters! sshhh don't tell anyone I'm that old! hehe I do need it along with soooo many others on DVD. I just need to start buying them. Great pick for a post!
Hugs, Lisa
Pete's Dragon Scared my 1st batch of grandkids so I never got to see it! Great post!
What a great choice! I did the Disney Sunday today too adding a little this and that! Your blog is so fun and awesome! Glad to be a new found friend!
Thank you, always, for your comments on my writings, which are always appreciated. We have been devastated over here by the fury of typhoon Ondoy. Our flood gates on the cliff where we live were broken by the marikina river below, and we have to sit and wait now for a new typhoon set to hit in 2-3 days. All the people on the other side of the river, they are just all gone right now...its just too devastating...
About your post...I love all the movies that you have shared here...and I think this is (maybe) one meme that I would want to join in! A magical meme? Count me in! (I think) ... :)
Wonderful post Sares, must have taken awhile to find all those photos.
Love the Dragon but that shouldn't surprise you. LOL!!
G'morn Sares ~ As always, Sherry & Heidi know how to work computer magic ...& so do you! This is wonderful.
TY for your sweet wishes on my birthday. That Sherry is something else again.
Have a beautiful week. TTFN ~ Marydon
Hi Sares: I want you to go to my blog and read a comment from Heidi. She just left it for me on today's post. It is heart breaking. Please continue to pray. I am not sure why God has brought these to people into my life, other than to pray. I just wanted to share it with you my friend. Blessings, Martha
Hi Sares, Yes, I have heard the Jimmy Durante song! Thanks for the evening wishes. Its is raining cats tonight...(no dogs), stormy. It seems autumn just blew in in the Pacific Northwest. I have Sun and Mon off so tomorrow I'm back to work and leaving on Sat. for Montana for a week but I intend to keep blogging if I can! Sweet dreams!
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