I have a mix of things to share with you today. First, I was
awarded/tagged with a special book award from Teresa
of Inside The Mind Of A Mini Madwoman. I'm not so sure it's
an award so much as a way to pass on the love of books and
reading to others. To share how special it is to be able to pick
up the written word and be transported into another world
in a matter of minutes. I love to read, but must admit that it
has taken a backseat since I've started blogging.
The object here is to:
1. Collect the book you have most handy
2. Turn to page 161
3. Find the 5th complete sentence
4. Cite the sentence on your blog
5. Pass it on to 5 other blogs

My book happened to be Harry Potter and the Half-Blood
Prince. The movie was coming out and I thought I'd read
the book again. It didn't happen. I'll have to read it before the
DVD comes out, since I probably won't see it until then
anyway. I've already read it 2 or 3 times, so it's not like I'm
missing out! Here is the 5th sentence:
"And let me see, another twenty for your Muggle attire."
This line was said by the one teacher, Professor Snape, that
is Harry Potter's nemesis at his school, Hogwarts. The twenty
points he refers to is a reduction of points that all the classes
use as a reward system. Twenty points is a rather large
amount to take away, especially for the offense of being out
uniform, wearing "Muggle" clothing. Muggles are non-magic
people, like you and I. At least I'm assuming none of you do
magic! If you've never read these books, you should
seriously consider picking the first one up and trying it. They
are for adults too and they are truly "MAGICAL"!
I'm going to pass this on to everyone and no one. If you'd
like to play along and continue passing along the BOOK LOVE,
please do, but I'm not going to pass it on to anyone in particular
because it has already been making it's way around my
blogging circle.

Now on to item #2: I WON something AGAIN!!! I won this
fun and unique print made by Chelsea Rose. The Giveaway
was offered by Studio M.M.E. Stutterings and lucky little me
won! I had my choice of 3 prints and this is the one I chose.
I think she's FABULOUS! Thank you to both ladies!

My last piece of business to tell you all about today is another
giveaway! Jennifer from Maidenshade. She is offering the
nightlight shade above! All you have to do is leave her a
comment letting her know you are interested. You can also
submit someone else's name instead of your own if you wish!
Isn't that a great idea! The giveaway ends Sunday, July 26th.
When yo get to her site, she is also having a sale on some
great handmade shades.

I thought this one went with my Harry Potter theme!

This little pink doggie nightlight was just SO cute!

My FAVORITE, the Harlequin lampshade! She has many more
so please go and check them out if you are in need of a beautiful
I hope each of you found something to interest you! Have a
wonderful day!

Dear Sweet Sares:
Update on Amy. She has PASSED the test. Yes, she has PASSED the test. The Dr. said her little vessels looked so good and she had such a wonderful blood flow. While the balloon was inflated she showed no signs at all of a stroke. They injected some die at the time the balloon was in there, and she is on her way for a scan of sorts to double check the brain and make sure there is no sign of a stroke. This is more or less a double check. She told Debbie, "No more tests Mom, no more tests." The Dr. said he saw no reason why she should not have the surgery, but would talk with them after this scan. Debbie did get to see Amy on her way to the next test, and she was teary eyed but glad it was over, and Praise God she PASSED. Keep up the prayers as they are so working. God Bless you, Love Sherry
Congrats!!! You're on a roll!!!
I love that print! That was one of my favorites too!! And like you I really like the Harlequin lampshade!
Have a fabulous day, Sares!!
Congrats on your winning such a cute little treasure! Have I mentioned to you lately how much I LOVE your blog? No? Okay...I LOVE YOUR BLOG! I always feel so serene when I log on to it!
Hi Sares!
I wanted to drop you a line and let you know that Amy is resting. They had a little bit of a scare as she started experiencing some problems with one of her eyes. After more extensive examination, the Dr.s believe that it is a migraine symptom, as her brain is showing no signs of any stoke at all. Her little body is getting hydrated from the IV, and I know it is hollering thank you. The dr/s have to decide if she will stay overnight(which we are praying for) or go home late this evening. They are about 2 1/2 hours from the hospital and driving ofcourse, it is dangerous as there is nowhere to go if she runs into a problem. We shall see what happens. Pray about that tho, as she really needs to be there under hospital care. You can always keep checking my post, I will try to be faithful and update as I can. Thank you for your prayers and for your friendship. Country Hugs, Sherry
Hey there girlfriend,
The blogging gods have been very good to you as of late. Keep it up, cool print.
Thanks for sharing the giveaway info with us as well.
Have a great evening!
Hugs xOxO, Nerina :)
Ahem..........I never win NOTHING! I'm starting to get a little paranoid about it all.
Did you cheat? *WINK*
Kidding sweetie...
Happy for you and SAD for me! Sweet POST!
Oh what a cool award! Like the book!
Congrats on your win! all you have to do is enter! and I follow Jennifer so I have the goods on her cute shades!! THANKS! I think I will take the award! It sounds fun. And I need inspiration for a post!
Hugs, Lisa
Hi Sares,
Congratulations on winning the giveaway!
they are all such cute shades but my favourite is the Harlequin shade.
aahhh I love the poster you picked! Congrats on being soooo lucky girl!
Jennifer's shades are so pretty, she's so talented!
everything vintage
Hi Sares, it's so good to be back, thank you for the nice comments. I hope you are doing well...You have been a busy lady! I loved that outside antiqueie store, the umbrella with the ruffles was so pretty and all the pillows, that is my kind of shopping. Congrats on your book award too, I never get a chance to read not even my magazines lately, may be in the winter when everything slows down...LOL! I like the lampshades too, very different and very nice..I'll have to go and look at her blog. I better get going for now, have a nice day! hugs, Jennifer
Congrats on another win! What a fun gift. I think I read that Harry Potter book....can't remember exactly, it's been so long! Now I'm into the Twilight Books. Do you have book 3 and 4 I can borrow??
Well aren't you just a smarty pants;)
Congrats on everything, and I see some other good news posted here in the comments from Sherry. I'm headed her way to give her some support.
What a lucky gril you are!!!
The pink doggie nightlight is sooooo cute!!!!! :)))
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