Someone VERY special is having a Birthday today. AMY.
Amy's Mom Debbie, from There's An Angel On My Front Porch
and Amy's Aunt Sherry, from Country Wings in Phoenix are
both followers of mine and through them I have come to learn
a bit about their Amy. Her biggest struggle right now is her
battle with cancer. She's been fighting the good fight, but her
Birthday seemed to coincide today with a doctor's
appointment to discuss surgery options to deal with her
health situation.
To help support Amy and try to make her day and her world,
a little bit brighter right now, another fellow blogger, Barbara
at The Purple Goat Lady, is holding a celebration for Amy.
The goal is to get as many people as possible to send Amy
well wishes and Happy Birthday Greetings. Please stop
in at the Purple Goat Lady and leave some love for Amy. I
think she could use all our strength and hope for her today.
So Happy Birthday Amy I'm sending you Butterfly wishes
on your Birthday. I hope you receive nothing but the best of
news today and that your Birthday holds nothing but love,
kindness and wonderful things. Please hang in there Amy,
you have no idea how many people are pulling for you out
here in Blogland. You're in our hearts and our prayers always.
God Bless Amy and take care!

Hi Sares, just dropping in to say hi....Your birthday wish to amy is so nice, I hope everything goes well for her today.....Have a nice week, Hugs, Jennifer
What a lovely birthday post Sares. I love the butterflies!
Hi Sares,
What a lovely birthday wish for Amy.
Wishing her well with the appointment and may she have a great birthday.
Enjoy your week
Your birthday wish for Amy is wonderful!
Well Done You!! I've already visited Amy at her mom's but this was very truly sweet!
You are a very special person Sares!!
Hugs, Lisa
Awww...that is so sweet! I've been over to PUrple Goat Lady's to wish Amy a Happy Birthday already. BLogland is so wonderful with the support and love we all show each other! :)
Very touching post...happy BD to Amy!
Oooohhhhh....ok, I'm goin' over there! :)
What beautiful butterflies for Amy. A very Happy Birthday to her and Many many more!
Good luck with the embroidering. I love learning too! The latest thing I have taken up completely new to me is playing the piano. I have been doing it for almost two months now and I absolutely love it. thanks so much for the comment and the sweet welcome to blogging!
Hello Sares, Your birthday wishes are so lovely,thanx for directing us...I am on my way there.
Your butterfly are pretty.
Thank you for your visit,it was nice to see first thing this morning.
Oh Sares!
Thank you so much for the beautiful post for our dear Amy. She has yet another hurdle to jump we found out yesterday. She has to see another specialist in about 2 weeks (I am praying that this Dr. has a cancellation that will make her appointment much sooner) and he will need to do a test checking her carotid artery to see if she is a candidate for surgery. This test could cause a stroke so Amy will need to be watched closely in the hospital. If she can past the test, then they will do the surgery to remove the artery with the cancer which is causing her so much pain. Please continue to pray for Amy, Debbie and her Dear Husband Richard, as they are all so exhausted from jumping hoops. The drive is a long drive, and makes for a long day for all of them. We are so blessed to have such wondeful friends like you Sares. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Country Hugs, Sherry
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