Friday, June 26, 2009

Pink Saturday

I bought myself a new treasure a couple of days ago at the local
Goodwill. It set me back a whole $1.99. I know next to nothing
about old dishes and was wondering if any of you Saturday
Pinkies could help me out in figuring out what I've got.

The back says W.H. GRINDLEY & Co Ltd
RED N9757554
It also has the #27 on the back in black

I don't know how you go about discovering what old dishes
are all about and what they're worth, I was just curious if
anyone knows how to go about checking on the treasures we
buy at second hand stores. I'm sure it's not the missing plate
to some fantastic set and is worth a million dollars, LOL!
Maybe I'm curious if I overpaid! Maybe the whole she-bang
is only worth 25 cents. It doesn't really matter, I just bought
it because I thought it was pretty. I think it would be fun though
to learn something about old glass wear so that when I go to
look for more treasures, I go in with a bit of knowledge.

Happy Pink Saturday to you ALL and jot over to see Beverly at
How Sweet The Sound to see what all the other PINK lovers
are featuring today. I'm sure there is something there for


Pony Girl said...

Can't help you with it's worth, but it sure is a pretty find, regardless!! One thing I have learned is that the second hand place Value Village knows when it is worth something, they put those items in the "special area" in the case. Or, they are marked up. They must have a special antiques book!
Have a great weekend!

Eclectic Chic Style said...

Gorgeous plate, what a lovely find. I just love it when I score a pretty plate at Goodwill. I cannot resist buying them. ;) I'm not familiar with the piece though, but it's very pretty!!!
♥ Teresa

Simply Debbie said...

oooooooooh, If I had been there, I might have got that beauty before you.
HAPPY PINK SATURDAY SARES....I don't think you paid too much for it considering what they would charge at an estate sale or antique store.....
what I do is google the names I find on the plate...sometimes the number can be the piece number and sometimes it is the maker but don't go by me because I really know nothing but I think you have a real pretty jewel to display.
Good Find....I am glad you bought her.....
I also like your tribute to Michael Jackson....I just did a tribute on Farrah Because cancer is so ugly in our lives

Marsha @ Tattered Chick said...

What a beautiful plate! I can't help you either :( HaPpY PiNk SaTuRdAy :) Marsha

Debby said...

Oh, what a beautiful find, so pretty.

KBeau said...

Doesn't matter what it's worth. It is just gorgeous. And for $1.99 you got a bargain.

Jenny said...

Such a pretty plate!! Enjoy it!! HPS!!

blushing rose said...

OMG!!! That platter is worth a good money. This English piece is good china. THAT IS AN ABSOLUTE BARGAIN!!

ANY time you wish to find the details/history/pricing on an item go to ~

You may find all the info you will need on china pieces, & if not available you may write them & they will respond.

TTFN ~ Marydon

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Hi Sares,
What a lovely find! Happy Pink Saturday.

~*~Patty S said...

What a gorgeous platter and the price = WOW! I would have had to bring that one home too = so beautiful!
~*Happy Pink Saturday*~

A Southern Rose said...

Oh it is so beautiful! I would go to to check out it's value. It looks expensive.

I agree with what you said about cooking for little boys. Both my sons love to be in the kitchen. My son Cole, who will be 18 next month, always wanted a little play kitchen in his room when he was a little boy. His dad would never let him have one. Too 'girly' he said.

Lee Laurie

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday. I love your pink post - how perfect for today.

Your blog is so lovely Sares. It is such a pleasure to get to know you and see you around the blogs.

Warm Regards,

Marina Capano said...

oh! Fantastic! I love it!

Happy pink saturday!


Anonymous said...

Beautiful pink plate...Great finds...Happy Pink..Thanks for stopping by...Yes, I'll read instruction next time..LOL Have a great weekends..Katherinellen

♥Mimi♥ said...

What a sweet Pink Saturday blog post! There's just something about the color pink that brings out the best of everything☺

Can't help much with the plate but don't you just ♥ Goodwill?

♥Have a wonderful weekend. Finally warm and sunny here, hope your neck of the woods is just as pink-a-licious as mine♥

Mary Bergfeld said...

What a lovely find. I have no idea what is monetary value might be but it certainly is charming. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi Sares: Lovely platter, it is circa 1955, value about $20. So you did good. I love to collect platters. It is always exciting when you find one you really love. It is Saturday, so happy hunting! Martha

Claudia said...

I have no idea how much it is worth - but you surely did not overpay! Its lovely! I would have bought it in a second. Happy Pink Saturday, Sares!

Trailboss said...

I can't help you as far as what it is worth but I have to say it is beautiful.

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Happy Pink Saturday Sares! I am Debbies'(There's An Angel On My Frontporch) Sister. I am so tickled I stopped by today on Pink Saturday. What a beautiful find that you found, and sounds like it may be a good financial piece. Yipppeee! I love a bargain, even when I don't know it is one. Pleas stop by my BLOG, Country Wings in Phoenix. I would love to have you stop in and share my little piece of heaven in the desert. I am going to list on your Followers, please do the same when you visit me, as I want to follow your BLOG. "Country Hugs", Sherry

Lisa said...

WOW!!! 1.99!! What a great treasure!!
Sorry I'm late we are still in Birthday mode at my house!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa

Unknown said...

Happy Pink Saturday! What a beautiful plate. Can't tell you it's worth. It's really pretty and it is made in England. Can't beat the price! Try ebay and select the "completed" listings option in the advance search page. It should give you a general idea of what similar things are actually selling for.

Enjoy your weekend!


Unknown said...

What a beautiful plate, Sares! I've seen the pattern before, but I can't remember where . . . it might have been my grandma had a set of dishes like it. Hmm . . .

I think it's a great find and I hope you'll enjoy it for years to come!

Happy Pink Saturday,

Tami @ Creative girl Vintage said...

What a pretty find..A lovely blog!
Happy Pink Saturday!..xo Tami

Unknown said...

Lucky you! I never find anything that lovely in our goodwill store. Have a great weekend, Esther

Lori Lynn said...

I would easily pay 1.99 for the platter! I LOVE it!! Good job!
¸.*´¸.**´¨) ¸.**´¨)
(¸.*´ (¸.*´* HAPPY PINK SATURDAY *

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Sares,

Happy pink Saturday to you.

I love your new plate and what a lovely find and at such a good price.

I share your thoughts about Michael Jackson, very sad when someone so young dies.

Have a lovely weekend

Cottage Way of Life said...

$1.99 for that beautiful plate? Oh, I think you scored, it's a wonderful find!

Thanks for stopping in at the tea party!

xinex said...

Hi Sares, Sorry I can't help you much about the plate but anything made in England is good and the plate is gorgeous and you got a great buy on it....Christine

Deanna said...

¸.·´¸.·*´¨) ¸.·*´¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ Happy Pink Saturday

Sares, my Lee Laurie is right. Check out Replacements but I can tell you that you got that lovely piece for a song. I would not have left the store without it!

Deanna :D

Deanna said...

Sares, check this website:

Deanna said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shaam said...

That is pretty! I don't know anything about china though LOL.

All the best,

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Beautiful plates, I love the design.

C. JoyBell C. said...

hey! how did that person make those twirly-twirly hearts in her comment like that! pweeeetttyyyy!!!

C. JoyBell C. said...

Wait...twirly twirly stars that is...

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

I dont know much about the history of this plate.. but the plate itself is simply beautiful! a great find! Happy PS! and have a great weekend

Susie Jefferson said...

Hi Sares

Loveleigh plate! Here's a couple of links that might help: with lots more links in the sidebar

Adn this one:

At least it's a start... Happy Pink Saturday!

Jade Creative said...

Hello, and Happy Pink Saturday.
I usually google the info at the back of the plate. It's a great find! I've been collecting plates lately at yard sales and value village. Need to hang them soon.
Thanks for visiting.

Char said...

Well, I don't know the value of what you have, but I will tell you it has to be a great find. You like it and that's all that matters. It's very pretty and I would not have passed it up either. Happy PInk Saturday, Char

Beansieleigh said...

I'm afraid I can't help you with any info, but I will say it's a beautiful piece!.. and that's what matters most to me! How nice that you could find something like that for such a steal too! Happy Pink Saturday, and hope you have a wonderful week!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sares! What a weekend! I wanted to stop by and say Hi...Thank you for such nice comments on my blog. I will keep an eye open for the giveaway box and thank you again ....So what have you been up to? I love the plate you bought, very nice..I don't know anything about china other than what appeals to me..LOL! My goodwill never has anything pretty or what might be a good find. I hope you had a nice weekend! hugs, Jennifer

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

What beautiful vintage dishes! Thanks for sharing!

(Also, I'm having a GIVEAWAY, so come on over and enter! Everyone is welcome!)

bj said...

The plate is lovely and the price was surely right!! :)
I always just google the name printed on the back. That nearly always tells me a little about my item.
Good luck..

Deanna said...

Hi sweetie!

Birthday Bash Reminder
July 1st - Baby Photo
July 2nd - Movie Star Party
Official Guest List Posted at Timeless Things.
See You There!!
Deanna :D

vickie said...

Happy (late) Pink Saturday! The platter is very pretty, try Google for the words on the back, I usually have good luck with that. If you can find what pattern it is, then you can check Google for that pattern. $1.99 is a super price!