Friday, June 5, 2009

Pink Saturday

Rosea Beauty Bush

This beautiful PINK bush sits in the back yard, in a cloud of
PINK frilly blossoms. This year it is particularly stunning! I
think it will need a good pruning in the fall, so it may take a
couple of years to get this big again after it's trimmed.
I don't know how old it is, it was here when we moved in 4
years ago. My Aunt and Uncle recently saw it and were
surprised. They seem to think the bush is a rare find in the
northwest. I did a little investigating online and here is what
I discovered...

Back in the early 1800's the shrub got it's name from a Botany
Professor in Berlin, Dr. Kolkwritz. He of course named the bush
for himself, calling it Kolkwritzia Amabitis, I know it's a mouthful
right! I'm thinking that if I discovered something, I would NOT
want to name it after myself.
Evidently, since few people could pronounce the name, few
gardeners in our country even knew what this shrub looked
like. Then a clever nursery man gave it the common name of
beauty bush and it became wildly popular, especially on the
east coast.

The beauty bush blooms once a year in late spring. It's blossoms
are very sweet smelling, which I can attest to. And the Bees. I
risked my life to bring you all these photos. The Beauty Bush was
literally SWARMING with the little black and yellow buggers.
I had to get in and get out ASAP!

The bush originated in China and grows as high as 10 feet. I took
the tape measure to this one, yes I'm thorough, and she stands
a whopping 9 1/2 feet at the tippy top of her bra

An old abandoned bird house sits amongst the PINK beauty. I
don't know why the birds moved out. If I could live in a cloud of
PINK once a y
ear, I would do it! Maybe the inside needs to go
through a spring cleaning.

Notice one of the many Bees ( middle left side) that I had to dodge
to collect these pretty photographs. I did not fib, they were everywhere!

As the Beauty Bush ages, it's smooth bark splits vertically and
then begins to peel. This is one of the things that leads me to
believe that this bush is fairly old, it's trunk looks like it has seen
more than a few years pass by.

Be sure to swing over to our wonderful
PINK Hostess, Beverly at How Sweet The
The Sound
, to find the full list of Pink Saturday participants. It is so much fun
going from site to site discovering what
everyone loves about PINK!

Happy Pink Saturday To Everyone!


Shaam said...

Great pink Saturday post! What a beautiful plant with beautiful flowers! :) I love pink!

All the best,

Lisa said...

Beautiful and informative! You've outdone yourself!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Hugs, Lisa

Anonymous said...

So beautiful! Thank you for including so many photographs as I'm not certain I've seen this type of tree where I live. Stunning! Happy Pink Saturday. ~Arleen

Eclectic Chic Style said...

That is absolutely beautiful, and thank you for risking your life to bring it to us. Wow, you even got a great pictures of the bees. Not me I'd have been running and shooing and screaming!! Great job!
Happy Pink Saturday!
♥ Teresa

Jade Creative said...

Wow, this pink bush is divine. Enjoyed the pictures.
Have a wonderful day!

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

What a beautiful bush. I would love a Beauty Bush and will go exploring to see if one will grow here.
A great post!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Unknown said...

Your beauty bush is incredible! Thank you for taking the risk to bring us such beautiful photos!

Happy Pink Saturday!


Teacup Mosaics said...

OMG I love this beauty. It looks like mother natures cotton candy. Thanks for sharing, I can almost smell those lovely blooms. Tell those pesky bees they have good taste.
Happy PS!

♥Mimi♥ said...

Saturday mornings are mine. I spend them traveling the web, hopping from page to page visiting some of the most lovely blogs loaded with pink all thanks to Beverly and her great idea.

Thanks so much for sharing your pink this week and for making my morning just a little bit brighter. Wishing you a special weekend filled with fun and family.

xinex said...

Thanks for risking your life just to be able to share these pink beauties. They are gorgeous! I wish I had something covered in flowers like that in my yard. Thanks also for helping me celebrate my 100th post. Good luck on the giveaway!..Christine

Valerie said...

Hi Sares,

Beautiful post today and I love all the history you provided along with the photos!

Bzzzzzzz to you! Happy Pink Saturday,


Lori Lynn said...

¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*´¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•´♥ HAPPY PINK SATURDAY ♥

Anonymous said...

Thank you for stopping by my blog on Pink Saturday. I have enjoyed visiting your blog & seeing this gorgeous pink tree. I don't remember seeing one before so thank you for sharing pictures of this gorgeous pink.

Susie Jefferson said...

How fascinating! I never knew any of that - thanks so much! I especially love your photo of the birdhouse nestled in the blossom - shame it isn't bigger, you could sit in it having that frozen yoghourt all to yourself. Happy Pink Saturday!

Rebecca Nelson said...

I'm so hoping this will GROW in Oklahoma. The shrub/bush/plant/tree is gorgeous. Taking notes to my Nursery guy...

Very, very informative my friend. LOVE IT!


Deb said...

What a gorgeous pink flowered bush. I love the little abandoned bird house nestled amongst the branches :-)

Claudia said...

Sares, that bush is incredible! Wow - how lucky you are! Happy Pink Saturday!

Anonymous said...

That is the most beautiful bush I've seen. No lie - I wonder if I can grow one in Florida. I love it! Fabulous post, really -


The Old Parsonage said...

That's soo pretty and thanks for the history behind it. Hey quick do you pronounce your name (phoenitcally)?

Unknown said...

This was very interesting, and I love your pictures, a great series!

Debby said...

Hi Sares,
What a gorgeous post, love your story and all the beautiful pics, that bush is so lovely. I love the pic with the bird house, perfect.

HiHo said...

can smell it from here , your shots are amazing. HP, Heidi

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

gorgeous pink blooms! Happy Pink Saturday ~ I hope you have a great weekend ~ Susan

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi: Thank so much for your recent visit to by Blog. I do meet so many wonderful people because of my blog. I just had to tell you how beautiful that bush is. I would love one in my yard, bees and all. You are very lucky! Happy 100 and heres hoping the next 100 will be even better than the first. Take care, Martha

Nancy said...

Sares, that is stunning - the beauty bush. I don't think I've ever seen it before. Thanks for risking your life for us pink gals! I LOve your pink pom profile picture and your adorable pointer - what a cutie!
Have a wonderful weekend. :) Nancy

Anonymous said...

Oh my, you have an abundance of pink blooms. Look at all those pink flowers clumped together. A beautiful site this is.

Happy PS!


Martha said...

What a beautiful plant! I'd love to have one in my yard! Thanks for stopping by to welcome me to Pink Saturday! (Oh, by the way, my pink Saturday post was below the pink ear kitty shot :-)

Jenny said...

So pretty! Thank you for sharing!!

SmilingSally said...

I think that the birds moved out because of the bees! That is aptly named beauty bush. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Saturday.

Dawn said...

I see why it is called "beauty". I want one!

Char said...

I must say that your post lite up my face this week. I love that bush and have never seen one like it. I too wonder why the birds don't live there. I agree that maybe the house needs some spring cleaning before the new tenents move in, happy pink saturday, Char

Anonymous said...

Wow is that Beautiful....I loved reading about it and the pics are perfect. Thank you for sharing it with us......hugs, Jennifer : )

tracy said...

What a beautful shade of pink that tree is, so soft.Very intresting info too.Happy belated Pink Saturady

Anonymous said...

ooops, I forgot to thank you for stopping by and commenting on my strawberry stuff it was so nice of you!!! take care,Jennifer

CC said...

I think this is the most beautiful,lush bush I've ever seen. Thank you for sharing it.... Happy belated Pink Saturday..have a lovely week.

vickie said...

Happy Pink Saturday. Wow, the photos are beautiful. How lucky to have that blooming in your yard. I love visiting your blog.

Anonymous said...

I did a post for your costume party and also posted it on my sidebar too...I'm so excited I can't contain myself!! This is the first time I joined up to a party where I actually had some time and will be able to participate. Thank you for celebrating your Birthday with us!!! Happy Birthday! hugs, Jennifer

Bobbi Jo Nichols said...

Just lovely! Happy Pink Saturday that is running in to my Sunday. Thank you for visiting my blog.
I love your blog. The picture at the top is gorgeous. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

Pony Girl said...

What a beautiful bush! I know mom and dad have talked about the one that my grandma had.
Thanks for the little lesson, too! :) I'm glad you didn't get stung!! xo

Paint Girl said...

Sorry I am so late to your pink Saturday! I have been so busy, like a bee! That is one beautiful Beauty Bush! Love it! Pink of course, my favorite color, and yours! Are we related?
Thank you for endangering your life to get such wonderful photos for us, my dear cousin!

Mary said...

What a gorgeous, gorgeous bush! I'm late in posting..Happy belated Pink Saturday!

Anonymous said... your rose bush...It's Beautiful! Thanks for stopping by and sweet comments....Happy Pink

C. JoyBell C. said...

