Thursday, December 30, 2010

Visitors One~Two~Three...

First, this teeny tiny adorable girl came to stay for a couple of days.

Then this cool kid came to stay for a few days. I thought I was the main attraction,
but believe it or not, the computer held more appeal. Imagine that.

Now it's THIS beautiful girl's turn to come and hang out for a bit.
I have a feeling there could be a shopping trip involved.
 And cupcakes.
And tea parties. 
And probably a horse.

They're such a hoot. I love them all but am always grateful when I can send them 
home to their parents. I think I'm getting old.
Man they're cute  though!


Deb said...

thats the great thing about get to love them squeeze them...then send them home...

GwendolynKay said...

What precious grandchildren they are!! I know what you mean about the computer.
I love your new header and I sooooooo want that purple chair:)

Draffin Bears said...

Hi Sares,

What gorgeous nieces and nephews you have and yes, to be able to send them home again, is a good thing.
Love the purple chair and the Irises, in your header.
Wishing you a happy New Year, with much love, happiness and good health.
Thanks for your friendship, always great to be able to come and visit you.


Charo said...

They are so cute!!!

Happy New Year Sares!!


Magia da Inês said...

° • ♫ "Happy MMXI !!!...
°º ♫°° ♫♫ Feliz Ano Novo!!!!...
° ·. •*• ♫

Brasil °º♫
° ·.

Jenna said...

Beautiful pics! Happy New Year Sares!! :o)

Micki said...

Your grandchildren are just adorable!

Theresa MacNaughton said...

They ARE cute! And they are even cuter when they are not yours and can send them home. LOL Happy New Year to you and yours, Sares! Theresa

Desert Rose said...

Sad that I did not get to see them this year...they grow so fast! Glad you had fun...and yes they do tend to tucker you out!

All That Jazz said...

They are cute! I'm glad you got to have a wonderful holiday with them!!

margot said...

Very nice children.
I like your blog.