Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Nantucket Cottage/Pink Saturday

I found this delightful little Nantucket Cottage on the Country Living web-
site. I thought it was just the perfect place to escape to in the Summer. It
just SCREAMS beach living to me!

Don't you just wish you could hang out here for the Summer...

with the beach just
steps out the front door,
warm sand between your toes,
the smell of suntan lotion on your skin
and the ocean breeze in your hair...

Pink Saturday amendment: I didn't realize I was supposed to post for PS today
as I didn't see my name on the email list Beverly sent out earlier in the week.

So to all you pinkies out there joining in for Beverly's Pink Saturday, here is
a dose of PINK!

Hop on over to How Sweet The Sound to find more pink and have

a loveleigh weekend!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Antique Fest Part 2

Hello my Loveleighs! I finally got the second part to the Antique Fest put
together. Below is the before picture of our booth.

Before we shuffled things around and took stuff outside.

After~What the booth looked like during the Antique Fest. The desk sold, the
little white cabinet on the desk sold. The large pink mirror on the wall sold and
the black chair at the desk sold too. We also sold a couple of tables we
had outside. Thank goodness!!! We were so worried about putting
everything back in.

After the Antique Fest. We worked for hours squeezing things back in from
outside but we finally prevailed!

We really reworked this shelf. We traded out pieces from the little kitchen we
refer to as the "nook".

The After

Sorry about the quality of some of the pictures. I'm not sure if it's the camera
or the photographer! A little of both I'm guessing.

Here's the little "nook" before the Antique Fest. It was looking pretty skimpy.

More skimpiness during the Antique Fest. This has sort of been where we
place things we don't know what to do with.

Not anymore. We moved lots of pretties in there and added some lights to
brighten things up. It's nice to change things up a bit and will hopefully
be a nice change for our repeat customers.

...and so goes another weekend at the booth. I've got another project I'm

working on right now, a bed frame. Darned if I didn't forget to take the
before picture again. I bought a fun piece at the Goodwill today though and
I WILL get the shot before of that!

I hope you all have a great week and don't be too surprised if I
change my blog up soon, I am already tired of this look.
Go figure.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Pink Saturday!!!

Time to hop on the PINK bandwagon and get our pretty pinks in order!
Be sure to visit Beverly from How Sweet The Sound, our pink hostess each
and every week. Beverly's pink post will hold all the weekly links to pinkness.

Thank You Beverly!

Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect.

It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

~Author Unknown

Happy Pink Saturday and have a beautiful weekend
my loveleighs!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Antique Fest

Antique Fest
Day #1~Set Up

Spend two and a half hours pulling things outdoors to fill the spot allotted to
That Jazz on the sidewalk. Stuff in as much as possible.

Then try and rework the interior space so that it doesn't look too bare.

This wasn't too big of an issue since we seem to have a lot of STUFF.

We managed to work it out and were pleased with the results.
Ready to unload a bunch of merchandise the next day.

Antique Fest Begins

Day 2~Morning
Check things out in general.
Scope out the competition.
Take notes.
Hee hee hee.

Antique Fest
Day 2~Afternoon
Go home for a couple of hours before heading back up to rework the
space. An out of town partner arrives with all her goodies to sell. Things
must be reworked to make room. Not to mention a slight breeze problem
that was causing some issues with some of the merchandise blowing in the

Delima solved. Things look good. We're ready for the BIG day. Saturday.

Antique Fest

Day 3~ Help with customers. Wrap glassware. Clear off display pieces that
have sold. Wrap more glassware. Fold boxes for glassware. Help customers.
Fold more boxes. Clear off more sold pieces. Take sold things down from the
wall. Get some lunch. Help customers some more. Take a bathroom break or
two in between. Panic because YOUR stuff isn't flying off the shelves. Help


Antique Fest

Day4~Show up bright and early AGAIN. Have a deep internal fear the
owners of the shop are SERIOUSLY sick of seeing your face! Start
reworking your space, AGAIN so that the furniture is featured more
prominently because you really have NO idea how you are going to
squeeze it all in if it doesn't sell before the weekend is over. You DON'T
want to haul a bunch of stuff back home. So begins the 6 hour process of
pulling all the tiny bits and bobs inside while trying to figure out just where
in the heck you're supposed to put it when you have NO idea what pieces
will be left at the end of the day for you to display all said bits and bobs on.

Move this, move that. Watch as YOUR pieces finally begin to fly out the door.
Then rework things AGAIN because things actually HAVE gone out the door.
Thank goodness. All is not lost. Most of it can be squeezed back in.

4:00~ Take everything back in FINALLY and prepare to finish up and go home.
Exhausted. Find out a few days later your hard work paid off and your booth
had a record month and was the top selling booth of all the vendors for the
month. I'd call that success.

I've got lots more to share including what sold, what the booth looks
like now, the goodies I bought! In all the craziness I forgot to take a
picture of my cousin and myself who put in all these crazy hours to
make it a success. I didn't forget you either Mom! She helped set up
way back on day #1 and watched the Man Cub for me on day #4 so I
could be at the booth. He was a perfect little angel for her.
No sassy
No tears. Go figure.