It's time for some PINK!
Pink Saturday is brought to us by our fabulous hostess Beverly of
How Sweet The Sound, as I'm sure you all know by now, her fame has
spread far and wide! If you visit her blog you will find all the pink links.

While surfing the internet waves, do you all do that too? I hope I'm not
the only one, I came upon these beautiful pictures taken by Steven
Randazzo. They were featured in Country Living Magazine (LOVE IT)
and are pictures from the home of one Anna Florio. She has amazing
pink style and I knew my fellow pinkies would truly appreciate it,
if you haven't seen and appreciated it already! The Google link is
HERE if you wish to see more.

Have you finished drooling? Gorgeous right!
I'd like to thank everyone that attended my Name Party, it was so
neat to read everyone's stories. Stories of family heritage, nicknames
given out of love and the special care taken to name a blog. They were
all amazing and thoughtful and unique to the individual. I want to thank
each one of the ladies that took the time to share, it was a very heart-
warming experience and I'm so glad I got to learn more about you all.
I'm also going to announce my Christmas Movie Giveaway winners,
thank you to everyone that signed up for a chance.
So without further ado
The Winners are...

Congratulations to the winners! I'll be contacting you about
which movie will go to which winner.
Happy Pink Saturday everyone and have a loveleigh weekend!