Marie from Emma Calls Me Mama is hosting a blogging
party today, Celebrating Day-to-Day Traditions that make
the memories you have with your family extra special. Since I
don't have any children to make new traditions with, I had to
rack my brain for something traditional from my childhood.
I came up with nothing. I confess, we were boring! We always
had specific traditions for Holidays and such, but we had no
taco Tuesday night or game day or take-out night. The only
take-out we had in my time, in my tiny town was a pizza or a
burger, which happened rarely and was a treat. My Mom
had a home cooked meal nearly every night, which I guess
is a tradition in itself!
So while the brain racking continued and I looked through my
pictures, I came upon pictures that fit the bill for start of school
traditions and thought it fit this time of year perfectly. While in
grade school, our tradition pretty much went as follows...
Each Summer, my older Sister and I would travel in the car 3
hours back to my parents hometown to spend a week with my
Dad's parents. During this time we would get spoiled rotten. My
Grandma would take us to the zoo and amusement parks, we'd
spend hours in the "toy room" and play dress up in Grandma's
clothes. At the end of the visit Mom would come back to pick
us up, but before we left, we would go shopping for new school
clothes. This was always so much fun, especially when we went
to the special Children's Boutique!

Then on the first day of school, Mom would take our picture.
This is me on my first day of kindergarten. This particular
dress was not a store bought affair, but made with love by
my Mom.
My older Sister and I, my first day in the 1st grade, her first
day in the 2nd. Every year the pink sponge rollers would come
out so that I would have luscious curly hair for my first day of
school. My big sister had the natural curls, she still does! No
rollers for her.
3rd grade HERE I COME! In my Strawberry Shortcake
dress that I adored. Strawberry Shortcake was my
PASSION! Along with all kinds of stickers.
The Summer before the 4th grade. Once again at Grandma and
Grandpa's, modeling one of our new school outfits we just got.

The first day of the 4th grade with my stunning corkscrew curls.
This would be the last time those pink sponge rollers would
make an appearance on my head for the start of the school year.
Halfway through the year, I would make the bad decision to
have my hair cut short. Which I hated by the way. By the time
my hair was semi-long enough to warrant rollers, the 7th grade
had come around and I was too old for them, so I thought.
These are the memories and traditions I remember at the
start of each school season. The stay with my Grandparents,
the thrill of new clothes, and that new clothes SMELL, the
special preparations for the first day of school, new crayons,
pee-chees and pencil boxes, laying out that special outfit
chosen for the next morning and always, my head wrapped for
the night in those spongy pink rollers!

Sares, you look so cute! I do remember the fun of getting new clothes for school. Wouldn't it be fun if we as adults were able to get new clothes every fall to start September? I think that would be a great tradition to start, don't you? Martha
Oh how beautiful Sares.
What a lovely post and you and your sister looked so pretty in your beautiful clothes.
Loved it that you always had a home cooked meal and takeaways were a treat once in a while. Sounded like my childhood.
The pink sponge curlers brought back happy memories, I had the same and that was the only way my hair could be curly. My older sister had naturally curly hair.
thanks for sharing your traditions.
Have a happy weekend
Sares! Those cork screw curls...you look that little girl on Little House on the Prairie...I forgot her name but it wasn't Laura or Mary...it was the daughter of the rich couple, gosh I forgot her name! She was soooo prissy! I had to take a double take!
Anyway, I think those visits with your grandparents, shopping for new clothes and first days of school are the coolest traditions!
We live so fast today...I wonder how many out there can say they are creating traditions with their little ones? I know I'm guilty!
Awesome post cutie!
everything vintage
Hi Sares!
What lovely memories....and what a cutie-patootie...Oh YES....I suffered the pink rollers too...I wonder why? I have naturally curly hair too!
Sares....thanks so much for sharing!! I too was a victim of the pink rollers, the handmade with care outfits and the first day of school picture!!
Your sister and yourself were fortunate to visit your grands and then head off to school!!
Wonderful memories!! xOxO Nerina
Oh how beautiful Sares!!!.so cute!Wonderful post!What a lovely post and you and your sister looked so pretty in your beautiful clothes.
Thanks for share with us!
I'm loving the curls...
My parents sadly did not take many pictures. The one huge regret related to my childhood.
You are a doll..such a doll. And...I haven't heard "PEE CHEES" for, um, well...a long, long time.
OH how perfect! That really was a tradition !! We have few to NO first day of school pics and you have almost every year! I love it!
Thanks so much for sharing!
Hugs, Lisa
Oh Sares, what wonderful memories.These are indeed traditions that you and your sister will remember.I had a pair of shoe like the brown ones that you big sister is wearing...brought back some memories for me too,as well as those rollers,but my locks did not turn out as lovely as yours...great post, sorry I missed out on the party.
Have a good night
Hello Sares - oh my, I love strolling down memory lane with you! What great school traditions you had with your sister. I too had the pink sponge rollers (they hurt so bad!). How sweet that your Mama made one of your first day of school outfits! And that she made sure you had home cooked meals.
Thank you for joining the party!
Boy, do I remember those spongy, pink rollers!
Fun post. Thanks for sharing!
Happy Pink Saturday!
Love photos from the past...
~ Gabriela ~
ooooohhhhah! I so, totally missed it!!!! :(((
And...thank God for digital perming these days, eh? :)
What fun pictures, I have never seen any of those! I love the outfits you and your sis were wearing (the velour shirt was classic!) I remember the pink spongey rollers...I think I tried those again around 8 years ago and they left my hair really kinky and frizzy, LOL!
p.s. I remember your grandma's toy room! I thought it was the coolest thing ever!! I loved that house.
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