Well, the title says it all! Maybe. I'm taking myself a little
blogging vacation. Possibly a week or two. I wish I could
say that I've been so busy like a lot of you that are taking
breaks right now, but I think I just need a break from
posting. I'll still be around to read your blogs and keep
an eye on what you're up to and make comments. I just
don't want to have to deal with the posting right now.
I've been playing around with the idea of starting a new blog
revolving around the Seasons/Holidays and have been
having lots of fun messing around with HTML without fear
of messing up my Loveleigh Treasures blog. So once I
get that up and running, I'll make it public. Then I'm going
to have to start a third blog just for testing purposes!
Hope you all have a great couple of weeks and enjoy the
rest of the Summer before fall sets in, my FAVORITE
season of them all!

Before I "SPLIT", I just want to let you all know about afabulous party I came across the other day. Nikki from the Scarlett Rose Garden is having a party to celebrate the70th anniversary of "Gone With The Wind". I know thatmany of you are HUGE fans like me and would like toattend. To find the party post click HERE. I wanted to letyou all know now so that you would have plenty of time toget your party gowns prepared! I think it sounds like a greattime.Goodbye my Loveleighs, I'll be seeing you soon!